"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Two Birds

Photo by Michael Speelman, website  



My Two Birds

I lift them up to You, dear Lord,
my two independent birds.
One who has flown from home’s nest,
the other who wants frantically to fly.
One works the currents to glide and rise,
to reach and navigate new heights;
seeming self-confident and sure.
The other flutters close to crashing,
so eager to follow the flock,
such easy prey to predators.
I fear for him.
I fear for them.

I ask you to lift them up, dear Lord,
my two determined little birds,
above Satan’s snares and tests,
as they boldly stretch their wings and try.
Give them courage. Make them wise,
these two fledglings taking flight.
Keep them holy, their hearts pure,
when temptation's hands are grasping.
Be their Redeemer and their Rock,
forever their Protector.
I ask for him.
I ask for them.
One of the hardest parts of being a parent is letting go. Our children will always be our babies, no matter how old they get and not matter how far away they fly. We still think of them daily and pray for God to bless them, protect them and give them wisdom. We must trust the Lord on a deeper level than ever before - to watch over our hearts, our children, when we can't anymore. Thing is, He loves them even more than we do, so we have no reason to fear. But for some of us, worry is ingrained in our nature.

I have been blessed by God with the amazing gift of one son. From the moment of his birth, I could not imagine being able to love anyone any more than I love him. In later years, the Lord, in all His wisdom, also saw fit to bless my life with another son, who though not biologically mine, is family as well, loved as much by his father as I love my own child and very dear to my heart. Sometimes the journey has been turbulent and downright difficult, but that is a struggle every couple endures that try to intermingle two households.

Never one to claim perfection, I have made mistakes in my parenting with both boys and for those mistakes, I ask forgiveness from God and them. One of the things that I ask most of God is that as they mature, they realize that even though I was not a perfect parent, despite my faults, I did my best and no matter what, I love them both, ALWAYS! I pray the Heavenly Father guides them and draws them near to Him as they venture out to create their own "nests" and someday start their own families. And when they stray from His will (for we all stray at times) may God extend grace to them and do whatever is needed to bring them back to the path that is right.

 May they both fly to the sky and succeed in all their dreams, with the Lord lifting them ever upward.

 “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?”
~ Luke 12:6
I thank you Heavenly Father, that even though I cannot always be by their side, I can rest in knowing that You never leave them. On the restless nights, I have peace in knowing that You also never leave me. ~ Amen

Sunday, March 9, 2014

God's Poem

Simple Ways

When the sun kisses your face,
when your wrapped in wind's embrace,
when dark skies share your grief
and rolling clouds tears release,
He is there.

When bright flowers start to bloom
after winter's grey and gloom,
when the robin puffs out its chest
to sing to you his very best,
He is there.

He is in the scent and the song,
in the showers and the sun.
His arms you feel within the wind.
All simple ways, His love God sends.
He is . . .

God surrounds us everyday with His love, grace and beauty. The question is, do we slow down long enough to be aware of it, to let it sink into our souls and renew our spirit? Or, do we rush through our day with blind eyes, deaf ears and hardened hearts?

With working two jobs now, I have been one of the ones rushing way too fast to see what surrounds me, to even hear the birds singing their morning praise to the Creator. And the result, besides fatigue, is a spirit that feels as crushed and trodden as the fallen leaves after a hard, bone-chilling winter.

I need renewal. I need to take five minutes DAILY and turn my face up into the sun, feel its warmth wash over me and take time to thank the Lord above for giving me one more day, to feel the wind wrap around me and God's caress in that wind, to thank Him for the beautiful sunrise or for the star-filled sky winking down at me. And. . . I need to take the time to write.

I promised God years ago, that I would write for Him. Why? Because He is the one who has given me this talent, diamond in the rough though it might be, and He is the one who can take it away. I am incomplete without doing what the Lord has given me to do. May His love fill me and may he "put a new poem in my mouth" as many times as pleases Him to do so.

Psalm 40:3 "And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord."  ~ Amen