Surrender Never Comes Easy
Simply give your worries to God;
Such easy instructions amaze.
Just hand it over to the Lord;
We all have heard that phrase.
Place your problems at His throne.
How hard could that possibly be?
Take your troubles to the King.
Why is that such a problem for me?
Don’t pick them up on your way out.
Leave them laying there before Him.
Present your gift-boxed predicaments,
gladly, He will carry them.
Yet, how can I leave them there?
Some are not so easily placed.
I cannot act like they don’t exist
when daily they slap my face.
Still, I refuse to be the spoiled brat
forever whining at His knee,
“Daddy, I want this, need that, fix this. . ."
My conversations a constant plea.
Yes, I know He’s there for me.
Yes, I know God cares.
But, I want my words to be
more than burdens that He shares.
May my petitions before the Lord
be more peppered with high praise
than the cacophony of complaints
I might have a tendency to raise.
Such easy instructions amaze.
Just hand it over to the Lord;
We all have heard that phrase.
Place your problems at His throne.
How hard could that possibly be?
Take your troubles to the King.
Why is that such a problem for me?
Don’t pick them up on your way out.
Leave them laying there before Him.
Present your gift-boxed predicaments,
gladly, He will carry them.
Yet, how can I leave them there?
Some are not so easily placed.
I cannot act like they don’t exist
when daily they slap my face.
Still, I refuse to be the spoiled brat
forever whining at His knee,
“Daddy, I want this, need that, fix this. . ."
My conversations a constant plea.
Yes, I know He’s there for me.
Yes, I know God cares.
But, I want my words to be
more than burdens that He shares.
May my petitions before the Lord
be more peppered with high praise
than the cacophony of complaints
I might have a tendency to raise.
I know God understands.
He knows my very heart.
I must raise my voice and rejoice
for the darkness to depart.
He knows my very heart.
I must raise my voice and rejoice
for the darkness to depart.
I'm guilty. I have done this same thing over and over again. I take a problem to God and say, "I give up. I surrender this to You. I have tried everything within my power and I can't fix it. It's up to You." And the next day, I am right back where I started; trying to fix things that I have already established that I have not control over. It's not that I don't have faith that God can and will take care of the situation - in His timing. The problem is that things are not solved overnight. You still have to face the difficulty the very next day. The rebellious teenager is still rebelling. The late bills are still unpaid and debt collectors are calling. Needed money just doesn't magically appear. Another car breaks down. A family member loses a job. . . . and I lose my resolve to surrender the situation to Him.
How do I change? If I knew, would I still be making the same mistakes? LOL! I think I have figured out part of the problem though - what I am praying for. I can't pray to change another person. I can pray to change me. I need more grace for myself, personally. I need God to help me learn to be content no matter what situation I am dealing with. The trials are opportunities to grow in faith and in trust and I still have a lot of growing to do.
King of Kings, Lord of Lords, change me. Help me to accept things more gracefully during difficult times. Teach me to be content no matter what my state in life. Help me to be more accepting of others, allowing me to see them with Your eyes of love. Most of all, when I surrender something into Your care - help me to truly trust in You and leave it there. ~ Amen