"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
~ George Eliot
Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
~ George Eliot
Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
"I will never leave thee; nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5
Along the Way
Master, don’t send me down this path, I pray.
I will be your companion along the way.
But, Lord, the path seems treacherous and steep.
I promise your steps to steady and keep.
The trail narrows, God, I fear I’ll fall.
My hand will catch you - before you call.
Jesus, are those storms on the horizon, I see?
Don’t fear. Your shield from the storms I’ll always be.
The climb grows darker, Father. Please, stay close!
I will be your light when you need it most.
Abba, what will we find at the journey’s end?
Peace, love and healing, my child, as your heart, body and soul I mend.
Written for Diana D. and Mom _______________________________________________________________
It rends my heart in two to watch a friend of mine begin her battle against cancer with chemo treatments next week. I can only imagine the fear of the unknown that must plague her right now. To add to the heartache, my dear mother continues to have health complications and just longs to feel better again. I long to help them with this emotional burden, to take it all away, but I can't. All I can do is write what I hope are words of comfort and over my services for whatever I might be able to do to help. The other day, with these two troubling my mind, the image of a steep, dark, treacherous mountain trail came to mind. I envisioned it to be the reluctant path that laid before them. If I could draw it, you would see a dark setting with someone clinging to a narrow, rocky edge. They are ooking up past lightening-filled storm clouds to the warm, light of heaven breaking through above. The figure of someone is walking toward them; between the storm and the person. That someone being Christ. . .
The old adage of “No one said life would be easy. . .” is often quoted and remains forever true. Though we all dream of a fairytale life, the dark side of reality is always there when we wake up. Like it or not, there are times in life that we really don’t like the road that has been laid out before us. Maybe a job was lost or a fire took everything you own. Perhaps a spouse has passed away or simply decided one day that they no longer wanted to be “the other half”. Maybe you have been diagnosed with a serious illness. Whatever the situation might be, you are facing a road of uncertainty and your world seems to be spiraling out of control. Your stomach is in knots and a part of you feels betrayed. This is not what you signed up for; yet you have no choice but to face it. You may even feel totally alone even though family and friend surround you. The question, “Why me, Lord?” plays over and over again like a broken record. I know. I have been there myself a time or two.
Even though they are persistent, push the “whys” away. Knowing wouldn’t change the path you are now destined to take anyway. Instead, focus on the “Who”. Do you remember the invisible friend you played with as a child? Admit it! I know I had one. No matter how many people told me that friend wasn’t real, he still existed in my eyes. Well, my theory is that our unseen, childhood friends were not necessarily imaginary. Maybe they were our guardian angels that we still had enough faith to see. *smile* God said we all need to have a childlike faith; to trust Him completely. He also promised, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Our Father promised He would be beside us no matter what. Believe it! God does not break His promises. Even though you cannot see Him, just because you cannot always feel Him, accept it as truth. Be as sure of it as you were of that invisible friend. Talk to the Lord just as you talked to your childhood companion.
Even though the road is rough and unsure, God walks right beside you along the way - offering a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen and a hand to wipe away the tears. There will be another turn in the road, friend. Things will get easier. Maybe not as soon as we would like for it to be; but rest assured God is your constant companion along the journey and He will not only help you, but also heal your broken heart and spirit.
My Companion and Friend, You are the one true constant in my life. I am so thankful that You never leave me or those that I care about. Even during the scariest and the ugliest of days, You are still right by our side. Sometimes, during these situations, I do not respond in the most approriate of ways. The fear, anger, hurt that it is happening in the first place, rages like a storm within me and I react before I stop and pray. Even then, You do not walk away in disappointment. For Your mercy, I am forever thankful. During one of the most difficult times in my life, I literally felt Your arms hold me while I cried. I pray those same arms of warmth and love wrap around my friend and my mother now. Comfort them. Heal them. Fill them both with the strength and peace that can only come from You. ~ Amen
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Death is but a Doorway
Death is but a Doorway
Death is but a doorway
to another destination.
Not to be feared, but seen as
the soul’s continuation
along this wonderous journey
which is called eternity.
Death is only seen as sorrow
to the grieving left behind.
The heart is an open wound,
yet, may this give peace of mind.
Where I've gone, you are aware.
Do not let your heart so despair. . .
for you know The Way to get there.
Written In Loving Memory of Donnie Jo & Charles Tarrant
By Susan Tarrant, October 2010
I have been trying to write this poem since the middle of last month. It has not been easy. Part of me feels that I should have stopped at the first verse. It says all that needs to be said. Maybe I will one day cut it down to just that. For now, I will leave it as is . . .
On September 14th, this world lost one of the smartest women I have ever known. I think she loved words as much as I do (smile). On October 12th, just shy of one month later, it lost one of the funniest men. He could tell the craziest stories!!! (Big grin) I loved them both dearly. It breaks my heart to think of how hard it must be for their family right now. And yet, at the same time, I feel that God was merciful. Why? Because I cannot imagine Charles without Donnie Jo. Maybe I am wrong, but I think he would have been lost without her. Though I wish I could put my arms around their daughter, Mary, and give her strength and comfort. I cannot and will not say, "Don't cry," when we lose someone we loved so much. God gave us tears for a reason. But, after the tears, CELEBRATE! Celebrate the life they had and the even more wonderful life they are now experiencing. The one comfort that I have is that they are not truly gone. Their spirits live on in heaven and the next time we see them, we will never have to part again. I look forward to meeting them at the gate someday!
I take that back. . . There is more than one thought that brings comfort to me. There is another. Neither one of them are in pain anymore. They are both completely and totatlly healed of all disease and suffering!!! That is a true blessing that brings peace to my heart.
To the one true Comforter, thank You for the promise of heaven. Thank You for being that bridge to allows us entry into that wonderful world to live with You for eternity. Thank You for the assurance that we will one day be reunited with all the loved ones that passed on before us. What a reunion that will be someday! Your mercy and love are beyond words. ~ Amen
Monday, October 18, 2010
Fall is in the Air!
Looking about and what do I see?
Six little men looking back at me.
Two have large bundles upon their backs.
Wonder what could be inside their heavy packs?
One man has a hat cocked at a crooked angle.
One's tummy looks as if he just left the table.
Another has a cast of just a wee bit green.
On an older one, traces of red can faintly be seen.
Staring still, a circus suddenly seems to appear.
There are horses and camels and even reindeer.
A lamb is nestled next to a lion's fiery mane;
reminding me of the peace we will one day obtain.
A leaf blows next to a rabbit's hidden lair,
as he nibbles a flower perfuming the air.
Three cats lounge in assorted states of repose.
Where did they all come from? Nobody knows.
Under a crescent moon a ghostly figure floats by.
Next to a haunted house, a scarecrow catches my eye,
staked beside two pumpkins - one with a ghoulish grin.
A skeleton dances by with a witch who has a double chin;
while in a darkened corner, a spider spins its silken strings.
This has become an eerie place, filled with spooky things.
Yet, among all the strange figures roaming around,
a surprising presence of virtue was soon to be found.
She was standing under a cluster of evergreen trees;
her gown of gold flowing as if caught in a breeze.
This angel of good tidings, heralding the Light,
was surrounded by stars that twinkle in the night.
One last look at the landscape, to see what I may see,
shows me two plump snowmen smiling at me with glee.
I retrieve this menagerie of characters from hiding;
as a chilled concoction my son begins dividing.
We mixed it together earlier, with the spices just right;
in eager anticipation of eating such a culinary delight.
Upon a floured board, we rolled the dough very thin.
I wink playfully at my son and he gives me a grin.
Picking certain players, he arranges them just so-so;
pressing their impressions into the gingerbread dough.
I had something else planned for this week's post; but it is taking awhile to get past a period of what can't exactly be called writer's block - for the words are flowing, just not with the right rhythm and feel that I want to portray. I also had a more fitting picture, but for the moment, I can't get it to upload. So, Fall colors will have to be the scene for now. Can you tell it's been one of those weeks? LOL!
With the poem I wanted not working and the holiday seasons soon to be upon us (one right after another, after another!), I decided to pull a poem up from out of the distant past that I thought was fitting; one that has happy memories for me and hopefully for Ryan as well. I love to bake and what better way to spend time with your kids than to make homemade cookie dough and cut out cookies in a variety of different, sweet shapes to decorate? Bring out the sprinkles, the icing, the M&M's and Red Hots. Bring on the giggles and smiles! Have fun. Be messy. Most of all, remember to count your blessings!
Thank you, God for this fabulous Fall season. The cool weather, the trees changing their attire, leaves dancing in the wind, the bright, orange pumpkins and beautiful mums . . . I can smell the cookies baking, the spiced cider simmering and I'm surrounded by a sense of contentment and peace that flows from heaven's gate to my heart. I love You and Your ever changing seasons, Lord. ~ Amen
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hurry - but, wait . . .
Behold, the Lord comes
and every eye shall see Him.
We must be ready.
Hurry - but, wait . . .
Hurry, Lord!
But. . . wait. . .
There are others I long for us to take.
I know; they are not ready though.
My child, are you telling them of
my limitless grace and undying love?
Do you express the sacrifice of my life?
I try, Lord, but they do not hear.
They twist the words I would make clear;
like a contortionist twists his body.
Do you live your life in such a way
they wonder at your peace each day?
Can your faith be taken at face value?
Well . . .I do gossip a little bit.
At times, I complain, but can I help it?
I am human after all, Lord.
Yes, but you belong to me.
What you think no one will see
is never truly hidden.
Your life is your witness.
Others always scrutinize you;
everything you say and do.
Remember to reflect my image.
With Your help, Lord, I know I will.
Just wait a little longer still;
until the ones I love also love You.
Hurry, child! You cannot wait
There are others I too want to take.
Do not delay! Pray for their deliverance
and . . .
I cannot think of anyone - family, friends or coworkers- who doesn't have a few friends and loved ones in their lives that do not know the Lord as their Savior. Whether they want to believe it or not, we know Jesus will return someday and we don't want them left behind. I know with the ones that are in my life, that trying to talk to some of them about my faith seems a losing battle. They don't want to hear anything "religious". They twist and turn things. Their sarcasm drips like rain from the eaves. How many times have we heard, "Don't try to force your beliefs on me."? We cannot push our beliefs on anyone. Pushing accomplishes nothing but pushing them further away. It is like trying to shove a bitter medicine down the throat of a sick child. No matter how needed the medicine may be, with a tight-lipped, shake of the head the medicine will be shoved aside.
We cannot convince them with words alone. Perhaps even more important than what we say is how we live. Our lives must be an example of Christian consistency. No, we are not perfect, I'm definitely not! Take for example this website. It does not matter what I write on it. Though I pray it glorifies God and is pleasing to Him. Though I hope it touches someone, blesses someone, makes a difference . . . What matters most is how I live my life.
How do we walk the path of peace if we have a continual war within the walls of our own home? What witness of Christ is that to our lost family members? What testimony do we have if we go to church on Wednesday night and twice on Sunday; and yet the rest of the week we cuss, rant, rave, gossip and complain? And then you turn and invite your coworker to church? Good luck with that. How much can someone believe your testimony if they see you ever Saturday night drunk at the local bar? I know, I know. That last example may be a little extreme, but you get the point.
Christ is returning, soon! I for one love to watch the clouds in anticipation! But, like the poem, I also pray He waits a little longer for more of the lost to be saved. But, while we wait, what are we (what am I) doing to help witness to these wayward souls?
Gracious Savior, help me to be a better example - a better reflection - of Your image. Give me boldness to speak of your love. Give me courage to share my testimony. Increase my faith. Strengthen my weaknesses. Most of all, let me live a life that daily points to You! ~ Amen
and every eye shall see Him.
We must be ready.
Hurry - but, wait . . .
Hurry, Lord!
But. . . wait. . .
There are others I long for us to take.
I know; they are not ready though.
My child, are you telling them of
my limitless grace and undying love?
Do you express the sacrifice of my life?
I try, Lord, but they do not hear.
They twist the words I would make clear;
like a contortionist twists his body.
Do you live your life in such a way
they wonder at your peace each day?
Can your faith be taken at face value?
Well . . .I do gossip a little bit.
At times, I complain, but can I help it?
I am human after all, Lord.
Yes, but you belong to me.
What you think no one will see
is never truly hidden.
Your life is your witness.
Others always scrutinize you;
everything you say and do.
Remember to reflect my image.
With Your help, Lord, I know I will.
Just wait a little longer still;
until the ones I love also love You.
Hurry, child! You cannot wait
There are others I too want to take.
Do not delay! Pray for their deliverance
and . . .
I cannot think of anyone - family, friends or coworkers- who doesn't have a few friends and loved ones in their lives that do not know the Lord as their Savior. Whether they want to believe it or not, we know Jesus will return someday and we don't want them left behind. I know with the ones that are in my life, that trying to talk to some of them about my faith seems a losing battle. They don't want to hear anything "religious". They twist and turn things. Their sarcasm drips like rain from the eaves. How many times have we heard, "Don't try to force your beliefs on me."? We cannot push our beliefs on anyone. Pushing accomplishes nothing but pushing them further away. It is like trying to shove a bitter medicine down the throat of a sick child. No matter how needed the medicine may be, with a tight-lipped, shake of the head the medicine will be shoved aside.
We cannot convince them with words alone. Perhaps even more important than what we say is how we live. Our lives must be an example of Christian consistency. No, we are not perfect, I'm definitely not! Take for example this website. It does not matter what I write on it. Though I pray it glorifies God and is pleasing to Him. Though I hope it touches someone, blesses someone, makes a difference . . . What matters most is how I live my life.
How do we walk the path of peace if we have a continual war within the walls of our own home? What witness of Christ is that to our lost family members? What testimony do we have if we go to church on Wednesday night and twice on Sunday; and yet the rest of the week we cuss, rant, rave, gossip and complain? And then you turn and invite your coworker to church? Good luck with that. How much can someone believe your testimony if they see you ever Saturday night drunk at the local bar? I know, I know. That last example may be a little extreme, but you get the point.
Christ is returning, soon! I for one love to watch the clouds in anticipation! But, like the poem, I also pray He waits a little longer for more of the lost to be saved. But, while we wait, what are we (what am I) doing to help witness to these wayward souls?
Gracious Savior, help me to be a better example - a better reflection - of Your image. Give me boldness to speak of your love. Give me courage to share my testimony. Increase my faith. Strengthen my weaknesses. Most of all, let me live a life that daily points to You! ~ Amen
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Earth is the Lord's
The earth is the Lord's
All nature sings His praises
Who are we not to?

Evening's Ensemble
As God's ensemble begins to play
Cottonwood leaves flutter and sway,
rustling like children in anticipation,
caught up in the spirit of adoration.
The wind plays various melodies;
its tunes whispering through the trees;
causing dapper dancers of shadow and light
to frolic in the sun's rays; golden and bright.
The creek croons in gentle harmony.
Diamonds of sunlight laugh with glee.
The current carries them off on liquid wings
as water's murmuring alto softly sings.
Sparrows from the branches add to the song;
blending their chords as they sing along.
Clematis blooms nod their head in perfect time;
perfuming the garden with fragrance divine.
As the evening comes to an end,
the chorus fades upon the wind.
Yet the refrain is heard, or so it seems,
echoing quietly throughout peaceful dreams.
All nature sings His praises
Who are we not to?

Evening's Ensemble
As God's ensemble begins to play
Cottonwood leaves flutter and sway,
rustling like children in anticipation,
caught up in the spirit of adoration.
The wind plays various melodies;
its tunes whispering through the trees;
causing dapper dancers of shadow and light
to frolic in the sun's rays; golden and bright.
The creek croons in gentle harmony.
Diamonds of sunlight laugh with glee.
The current carries them off on liquid wings
as water's murmuring alto softly sings.
Sparrows from the branches add to the song;
blending their chords as they sing along.
Clematis blooms nod their head in perfect time;
perfuming the garden with fragrance divine.
As the evening comes to an end,
the chorus fades upon the wind.
Yet the refrain is heard, or so it seems,
echoing quietly throughout peaceful dreams.
"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." Psalm 24:1
I love nature! I believe God speaks to us through it. His voice is in the wind. With it, He caresses us with love and adds to it other instruments of Mother Earth to bring us a sense of peace; if we are willing to listen with our hearts and receive it. The trees themselves praise the Creator. Birds, bees and bugs sing their adulation to the Lord. The Bible says that even the stones cry out His glory. The sheer majesty of the earth and the vast universe reflect the Creator's sovereignty. Man was placed in charge of caring for the earth and yet nature seems to know more than man does about worshiping Christ. Who are we not to do the same? Go outside this evening. Listen to the fullness of the earth singing their praise to God. Then. . . join in the song!!!
Father of all creatures and creation itself, You formed the earth for Your delight. It brings me delight as well. Open my eyes to see it all with Your eyes of love. Open my heart to learn from it how to truly praise You with every fiber of my being at every moment of the day. ~ Amen
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