"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Frenzy

Fall Frenzy
Like children squealing with delight,
the wind shrieks by my window;
playing games with Fall leaves in flight
who scurry and scream, “You're too slow!”
at the glee-filled gust that’s been picked –
“Tag! You’re It!”

Their howls of laughter echo low
so, I think their frenzy’s fading.
Jacket donned, out the door I go
to discover they’ve been waiting,
plotting to ambush me and plea –
“Come play!”

The wind’s whispers are persuading
this stress-worn woman to unwind
and release the inner child waiting
deep inside where she’s been confined.
Pulling, tugging, begging me please –
“Join the fun!”

Gold, orange and crimson intertwined,
blurring, as the wind spins them ‘round.
Autumn kaleidoscope designed
as the laughing leaves leave the ground;
like kids on a swing set crying-
“Higher! Higher!”

I watch them rising, heaven bound,
the wind still tugging at my sleeve.
Closing my eyes, inner child found,
I spread my arms wide and believe
with leaves and wind I run, taunting –
“Can’t catch me!”
The other day, outside my window, I could hear the joyful screams of children playing outside in this beautiful, cooler weather . . . or so I thought. The sound was distant and I believed their playful noise was just carrying on the wind. But, the closer I listened, the more I realized the voices on the wind, WAS the wind!!! The sounds reminded me of childhood days, running, screaming, laughing and playing with friends. I was shocked and thrilled at the same time.
And that is how this poem came to be! :-)
Painter of the autumn leaves, Thank You for the changing of seasons, the cooler weather and the bright Fall foliage splashed across clear, blue skies. Thank you for the playful wind whose silly antics make me smile. I love the childhood memories that came flooding in due to the wind's human voice calling out to me. I needed those happy memories! But then, You knew that. Thank You, Lord, for meeting even my smallest need. ~ Amen

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sorrow's Solace

The City of Falling Angels / Robert Catalano

Sorrow's Solace
Sorrow holds tight my hand,
not as a loathsome enemy,
but as a steadfast friend
who knows and understands
the despair of death’s valley.

Sorrow shows me the way.
She’s been here times before.
As she guides, she prays
for the end of my dark-filled days;
that my anguish may be no more.

My soul resonates with regrets
to which grief would gladly bind me.
Yet, Sorrow says my so-called debts
are more than met - they’re offset -
by the love linking my loved one and me.

Sorrow sings me songs
of heartache and of hope.
She tells me to God I belong,
surrender the suffering to be strong,
and allow Christ to help me cope.
 I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. . .

I once thought of this shadow as being the seeker of my own death and, as in the 23rd psalm, I drew comfort from knowing whenever that day may be, God would walk beside me. Now, I understand the darkness of this valley can also be caused by the death of a loved one eclipsing our hearts, our minds and our spirits. . .

I am Sorrow.
Father in heaven, It hurts to see the ones I love hurting and not be able to comfort them. All I can do is love them, pray for them and be there for them to lean upon. But You, Lord, You can send them true peace and comfort. I lift them up to You. Please, wrap my hurting loved ones in Your arms and ease their grief. ~ Amen

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Wind and The Wood

The Floating World
image via: http://yakumosworld.aminus3.com/image/2010-12-03.html

The Wind and The Wood

She walks regally within the wood, renowned;
gossamer gown flowing over ground.
Each blade of grass trembling when fanned,
by the sheer touch of her outstretched hand.

Her entrance is met with excited cheers
as awed leaves applaud when she appears.
Some become with her so entranced
that with dear lady they attempt to dance.

Cruder limbs whistle as she strolls by.
She stares at them with mischievous eye.
But, their flirtations come to naught.
She gives them only a fleeting thought.

Genteel trees bowing with dignity,
lowering their heads to her majesty;
in reverent greeting upon seeing
the breath of Natures’ being. . .

When the wind walks within the wood.
Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote a poem in 1875 entitled, Ode to the West Wind. I especially love the first verse:

"O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being
Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,"

In tribute, I attempted to write this poem in the same style, terza rima; but I just couldn't do it. I felt restricted, stifled even. I am no Shelley. I am just simply me. But I had it so set in my mind to do it in that form, to learn and broaden my writing ability, that I couldn't let go of it. I finally had to throw in the towel, literally had to set this poem aside for a few days and come back to look at it totally new. So, now you know why it has taken me so long to post something new (smile).  I hope you like the results!

Now, for the remainder of my post:

In some cultures, they believe God's Spirit is in all of nature: the trees, the grass, the sky, the wind, every living creature . . . The Indians revere nature and are taught to treat all creation with respect, something I wish the "white man" had learned from their ancestors long ago. Then perhaps "Go Green" would never have become a slogan because it would be a natural, ingrained instinct to protect the earth and its resources like it should be. Regardless, back on subject. . .

It is easy for me to believe that there is a spirit in the wind. I love the wind! I always have. Even as a child playing in the Arkansas woods, I believed my imaginary friend spoke through the wind. The wind seems filled with human emotion to me more than any other natural element. I know some who are frightened by it because it makes them uneasy. I wish they could think of it the way I do instead; like my old childhood friend instead of something to fear.

The wind is capable of so many things. It heralds the coming of Spring after a long winter with warming March winds. With the softest whisp of air, it can caress you with love. On a hot day, it can create a breeze to refresh you. It will playfully tease you as it grabs something from your hands to lead you into a game of chase. During storms, it can throw temper tantrums better and wail louder than any two year old child. It is as if the wind has a mind and emotions all its own! I will always love the wind and if I could, like autumn leaves, I would dance with it in delight. How about going for a walk in the woods with the wind today and enjoy watching how it effects all things! Make friends with the wind as I have.
Thank you, Creator of all creation, for the joy, the thrill and the playfulness of wind. As in all things, even it contains the ability for both good and evil. I choose to take delight in its better qualities. I love the feel of it in my hair, the scent of it when rain is near, the sound of it singing in the trees and the coolness it brings in Fall. . . Thank you, God, for creating the breath of Nature in the wind! ~ Amen

Monday, September 12, 2011

Not Ready Yet

Billy Ray Marshall 1942-2011

Not Ready Yet

The time is near and we try to prepare
but you are never truly ready;
when all that’s left is family and prayer
to help keep our emotions steady.

He moans and shudders in his sleep
as if something in his dreams he dreads;
or is it only physical failings that keep
him fidgeting, restless in bed?

Oh, how I wish his sleep was sound
filled with dreams pleasant and appealing;
that he would wake up to astound
everyone with his amazing healing.

But wishes do not miracles make,
no matter how heartfelt the yearning,
and so I plead for my friend’s sake
that God will please ease his hurting.

To let him know that God is real,
may his soul be warmed with His Spirit.
May the Lord's cloak of love he feel
and draw assurance from it.

May angels whisper in his ear
of God’s glory and His grace.
But, most of all let him hear
how God’s love is never erased.

Whatever sins he has committed,
whether in past or present they be,
the love of the Savior has acquitted.
My friend's soul has been set free!

Startled awake, his eyes dart side to side
until finally on dear family they focus.
When finally he flies, only God can decide.
May his being with the Savior bring solace.

Dear Savior, I am not ready to say goodbye yet, but I know my friend is suffering. Ease his pain, Lord. Let him know You are right there beside him to guide him home when you both are ready. Whatever happens, sweet Jesus, don't let him leave this earth without You. ~ Amen

Monday, August 29, 2011


As head winds buoy the eagle's flight;
the Lord lifts my striving spirit
to unimaginable heights.

Like Fall rain after Summer's heat;
He replenishes my parched soul
with Living Water replete.

Such as the lowly caterpillar
God molds into majestic butterfly;
this simple sinner, He sanctifies.
We crave the "Fall rain after Summer's heat!"

I am beginning to think the drought we have been experiencing has evaporated more than the pools and riverbeds around us; it has dried up the wells of creative writing within me as well. So, since I was rummaging through my old scribblings the other day, I decided to post something from my past. I ran across this poem I wrote in 2004 and thought the line about my "parched soul" mirrored our parched land.
Perhaps with the upcoming cooler weather of Fall, and the refreshing rains I know will eventually bless us, God will also refill my soul with words to paint new poems soon. "Showers of blessings, showers of blessings we need. Mercy drops 'round us be falling, but for the showers we plead." *
“There shall be showers of blessing.” Ezekiel 34:26
To the One who sanctifies me, the Shaper of my Soul. Please hear my prayer. The land is parched. The plants are wilting, even trees are shriveling, leaves and grass crunch beneath our feet; crushing our weary spirits with each step. In the extreme heat of this summer, our souls wither as well. Bless us soon with showers to refresh the land. Rejuvenate our spirits with the coolness of Living Water so our spirits may never thirst again. Thank you for renewing our arid world - within and without. ~ Amen

* There Shall Be Showers of Blessings, by Daniel W. Whittle, 1883

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Better By Now

Better By Now

I thought things would be better by now.
I thought life would be sweeter somehow.
But the years roll by and nothing has changed;
the same old, same old simply rearranged.
I thought things would be better by now.

I thought dreams were supposed to come true,
I know not all, but at least a few.
And although my life hasn’t been all bad,
there have been dreams that I wish I’d had;
dreams I thought were supposed to come true.

I thought I would be more than just this;
thought there would be more to reminisce.
Yet, the woman I longed to be remains
confined within her emotional chains.
I thought I would be more than just this.
I guess it is obvious from my writing that I have been in a blue mood lately. I know it will pass; but I hate being down when I know I am blessed in so many ways. And yet, sometimes counting our blessings isn’t as easy as it should be. Recently, I read this quote from an Ella Wheeler Wilcox poem and agreed wholeheartedly:

“Tis easy enough to be pleasant,
when life flows along like a song;
but a man of worthwhile is the one who will smile
when everything goes dead wrong.”

There are several issues that have my emotions reeling lately; some of them I have control over, others I don’t (though some would argue that I have control over those as well and just don’t have the heart to do what I should). I will spare you hearing about all of them and just begin at the beginning of my slump.

It all began by cleaning my room and finding some old journals of mine. I think I should just burn the things sometimes! Though there are good times recorded in them as well, it is upsetting to me to go back and read the same struggles, heartaches, things I planned that never happened and the still yet to be answered prayers. Last year, five years, ten years ago and still the same issues unresolved? What gives?

I don’t blame God; though it is tempting at times to scream, “WHY DO YOU WAIT?” I know that I am a part of the problem. I have allowed some of these unfulfilled dreams and problems to persist. Whether it is by lack of self-esteem, co-dependency, lack of a backbone, fear. . . I have failed to walk in faith that God will take care of everything. I have failed to completely trust God to use me the way I long to be used and to solve any trials that come from answering His call. When I have prayed, "What should I do?" I have failed to truly listen. I am a doubting Thomas. . .

I have a darling young friend whose faith right now I envy so much. She and her husband are stepping out, trusting that God will be their safety net, and going down a whole new path in life. Her husband has answered God’s call to preach, in another town, a town that is not next door to all the family and friends they love so much. God said, "Do it or I will get someone else who will." (paraphrased by me) and their response was, "Yes, Sir!" I am so proud of them and thrilled for them. . . and maybe a tinge jealous.

How many times has God asked something of me and I have doubted the message was from Him, doubted my ability, doubted He would take care of the financial issues or other trials that would come from taking that unfamiliar path? Maybe, if I had trusted trusted more, I would be the woman I imagined being by now. Maybe if I begin to trust more today, I still can be. . .
Heavenly Father, forgive my lack of faith and trust. Forgive me for the times I have asked for Your guidance and then failed to listen long enough to hear Your voice. Help me, Lord, even now, to hear what You are telling me to do. And then, allow me to step out without fear and do it with the peace, reassurance and strength only You can give. Increase my faith and help me become the woman of grace we both want me to be. I seek You, God. Find me!  ~ Amen

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

She Will Not Break

                                                              Image from Microsoft Word Sample Pictures

She Will Not Break

She is a tree of life
silhouetted against the Son,
shaped by the seasons
and the passing of time;
embracing the forces of
nature that make her
the woman she has become.

Her branches spread broadly
reaching out to life with love.
She shades the weary,
while sheltering the needy.
Though she may wilt beneath
hardships scorching heat,
still, she will not break.

Winds of change have come
as a debonair dancer
whisking her to and fro.
Storms beat harshly upon her.
She bowed her branches low
while fingertip leaves
grasped for Ground.

Her roots are entwined
‘round the Rock of her faith;
holding her firmly in place
no matter season's nature.
With willingness to bend,
submit she may, but she
trusts her fate to Him.

She will not break!
This is not what I intended to write. I prefer my poetry to rhyme and have some semblance of rhythm. For the last few weeks I have been scribbling, rearranging, contemplating and downright arguing with lines. The only thing I really knew was the title and the line "Her roots are entwined 'round the Rock of her faith". And though this is not at all what I imagined in my mind - I envisioned something more along the lines of Amy Grant's "Can You Reach My Friend" or a letter to God - apparently this is what insisted on being written.

Each poem I attempt to write is begun with, "God, guide me" - even more in cases like this. You see, I have a friend, a very sweet, dear friend who I wanted to honor encourage with a poem. I asked God to help me write something especially for her. This lady has weathered one storm after another. Her life has been whisked one way and then tossed another before she can even stop trembling from the first. She has faced things that surely would have broken me. And yet, she continues on. This woman of worth is an inspiration to me, though she does not see herself as such. For that matter, she would probably laugh out loud at the thought. But, it doesn't keep it from being true.

So my dear friend, for your love of privacy, I will not name your name. But, I hope as you read this poem that God opens your eyes to the realization that I am writing it in praise of you. I share your poem with all the other women out there that face daily battles that bow them low to the ground in prayer. I hope at least one finds encouragement and strength in what I have written. Keep your "roots entwined 'round the Rock" and hang tight! God will see you/us through!
My Rock in the midst of my storms, We all have bad days, bone-weary weeks and even sometimes a horrendous month. But, Lord what are we to think when those months turn into unbelievable years of hardships? I have suffered through long trials before that I thought would never end. There are still unanswered prayers that were brought before You ages ago that make me ask, "What about them are not within Your will". But, in the case of my sweet friend, Father, the trials never seem to end before another begins. How long, Lord? Is there a lesson that is yet to be learned? If so, open her heart to receive it. I know You hold her in Your embrace. I know she faithfully puts her trust in You. I ask dear Lord, that You bless my friend. Rescue her and bring her days, weeks, months, YEARS of joy once again! In Christ name I pray. ~ Amen

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A few of my favorite things . . .

picture from a postcard by Karin Muller 2002

I Love . . .

I love flowers in full bloom
replacing winter’s gloom,
a garden to admire
and roses.

I love Fall leaves turning gold,
hot chocolate when it’s cold,
a blanket by the fire
and candle light.

I love walking in the rain,
thunder’s deep refrain,
lightning in the sky
and puddles.

I love the chorus of the night,
a full moon shining bright,
stray clouds floating by
and star gazing.

I love wind dancing with the leaves,
singing through the trees,
lifting up my locks
and chimes play.

I love sitting by a stream,
listening as sun glints gleam,
to water rushing over rocks
and peaceful days.

I love morning’s gentle glow,
how evening colors flow,
rainbows’ banded hues
and prisms.

I love mourning dove’s soft call,
its melancholy drawl,
soothing as it coos;
and you. . . .

This post is a little on the lighter side. I need the lighter, even the downright silly side sometimes, to write something simply to make me smile. I hope it makes you smile too!

I remember listening to my Dad's old albums and 45s when I was little. I would happily sing along to Lynn Anderson's "I Wish I Was a Little Boy Again", to Bobby Vee's "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" and many, many others too numerous to list. The other day, I was watching TV and there was a commercial with baby ducks on it  and an old song by Tom T. Hall called "I Love" started playing in my head: "I love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks, slow movin' trains and rain..." Next thing you know, I was replacing his list with my own. And so became this little poem; my own little list of my favorite things (and yet another song pops in my head, "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. . . lol) I have been adding to and rearranging every night for a week now. Yes, I am proud to say, I have been keeping my birthday promise to myself to make time to write a little bit every day. Yeah!

So, my question to you is, "What do you love?" Start a list today!
Creator of All Things Wonderful, thank you for opening my eyes to things that I love! In the negative world that we live in, it is so easy to mentally list the things we "hate" and the things we think are going wrong in our lives. Help me, Lord, to keep my eyes focused on the positive and I will keep adding to the list to remind me of the good things that surround me. Give me strength to handle the negative and to grow in faith due to them. I'm counting my blessings, Father, starting with knowing that Your list of "I love. . ." includes ME! You Love Me! Thank you for that. I love You too! ~ Amen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Listening. . .

Listening for a Whisper

Caught in a world of
constant noise,
how can we hope
to hear God's voice?

I close my eyes and
strain to hear
the voice inaudible
to faithless ears.

Sometimes that voice
is silent,
waiting intently,
MY will to kneel.

If hurried, the voice
will go unheard.
I've learned calmly wait
upon the Word.

From time to time
the roles reverse
and He seeks with me
to first converse.

A whispered word when
least expected
sings to my soul
God's love projected!

Eagerly listening,
I strain to hear.
May God see fit
to open my ears.
To quote the Grinch, "Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!"

In the chaotic world we live in, we are surrounded by by a cacophony of clatter 24/7! Some people have to have some form of rackett constantly. They wake and they turn on the TV or radio immediately. Those with TVs in their bedrooms may have never turned them off the night before in the first place; sleeping with the noise filtering in their ears as they sleep and seeping into their subconscious. Music blares from their cars as soon as they crank them (some even shake the windows of my third floor office with their bass). They must have noise to entertain them constantly or they are "bored".

Others of us prefer at least some quiet time, but even we stick the headphones of our iPods in our ears as we exercise. We too turn the TV on in the evenings to get lost in the programs and forget the stressful day. The doctors' offices, that once had magazines to read while waiting, now have television to watch instead. There was a time women knew if they took their families out to eat, they would finally have a captive audience and they would  talk to each other as they ate; but, now even restaurants have televisions to steal the focus of our families off of one another. Many places have music, rather your genre of song or not, playing in the background. We have phones ringing, sirens screaming, cash registers dinging, people chatting, children crying, etc. etc. etc. Noise all around us, every day, all day.

Sometimes I think it is a sneaky conspiracy to fill our minds with anything but a chance to have thoughts of our own! I have to wonder, with all this noise pollution surrounding us, if God does speak in a still, small voice, how can we possibly hear Him? How long can we, as individuals and as a nation, continue to ignore the voice of God before He chooses a more drastic measure to capture our attention?
Prince of Peace, In our hectic world filled with ever-changing "progress", I sometimes wonder if in our electronic age of convenience, we are not losing the most important asset to our lives - conversation with You. So much noise surrounds me at times that it honestly unnerves me. I search for silence throughout the day so that I might hear your voice guiding me. And yet, so many times, some interrupting noise disturbs the moment of meditation. I long to talk with You as Elijah and other prophets once did. I delight in the knowledge that one day we will converse face-to-face in heaven. Until that day, Lord, please open my ears and magnify Your voice so that I might hear. ~ Amen 
1 Kings 19:11-12 "And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Memorable Moments

Memorable Moments

How much those peaceful moments meant
when she dropped all that
needed doing but wasn’t done,
simply to walk as sun sat.

How much these present moments mean
talking each day awhile,
‘bout everything and not a thing,
simply to hear her voice smile.

How much these moments will always mean,
moments content and calm,
a child now grown; but still loving
simply to spend time with Mom.
                                                                              written by Susan Bunn Tarrant, May 2011
There are a few women I have known in my life that I have considered to be exceptional women of God; women who portrayed beautiful, quiet spirits, graceful not only in the way they moved; but also in the way they expressed themselves. These women - no matter what their surroundings or circumstance - in my opinion, always seemed to portray the "noble character" used to describe Ruth in the Bible. To me, this is one of the most complimentary characteristics a women can possess.

I am blessed to be able to say that the first one of these women of noble character and grace I ever "met" was my own sweet mother. She is an inspiration to me! Never has there been a time when I have doubted her love. Never have I doubted that she would be there for me if I called, to help me through whatever the situation might be. Never has there been a time that she has been unwilling to forgive my mistakes. When I fall, she helps me pick myself up, dust myself off and not only sets me back on the right path but walks it with me as mother and friend. She has always told me I could be whatever I wanted and do whatever I dreamed. She is my constant cheerleader and support group rolled into one.

I love you, Mom! Happy Mother's Day!
Heavenly Father: On this day that we celebrate mothers one and all, I ask that you bless new mothers as they hold their precious bundles of joy. Bless the mothers of toddlers, tweens and teens, mothers of children now grown and even the mothers who now call heaven their home. My own mother who loves You and I both so much, I ask that today she feels Your gentle touch. As she has blessed me all these years, may I bless her now and in years to come. ~ Amen

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why art thou cast down, O my soul?

My Psalm 42:11

Hello God.
I’m glad you’re here.
I cannot see you.
I need to feel you,
my friend stay near.

Hold me God.
Hug me so tight.
The night is long
and I’m not strong.
I need your might.

How long, God,
before dreams die?
Should I still wait?
Is it now too late?
Please dry my eyes.

Selah. . .

Hope in God
saturates my soul.
I know He cares.
He hears my prayers.
I concede control.

Hello God!
On you I wait.
I know it’s never
too late . . .
to trust in You.

Hold me God.
I could go into a long spill about the emotions I have been battling lately; emotions we all battle at one time or another. But, sometimes no other words can be found and it is best to just let the poem stand alone. . .I'm sure you understand.
Thank you, Lord, that I can come to You completely vulnerable, with raw emotions exposed and You open Your arms wide and draw me into Your peace. I have questions, fears, dreams. . . You listen to them all. The answers do not come immediately, but they will come eventually. The fears, You calm. The dreams, You give me reason to still hope in. You are my True Friend who always has time to listen and never turns me away no matter what my mood. I need You now, my Friend. I need You always. ~ Amen

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter is not about chocolate bunnies melting in our hands . . .

Through It All

How could He do it? I do not know;
Not letting a trace of hurt or anger show.
Before Pontius Pilate, He was made to stand;
tried and convicted, yet an innocent man.
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.

Oh, the emotions that must have torn at His heart;
the tears, the fears, going through the betrayal part.
Did God lift those burdens at the garden that night
or did the turmoil within, Jesus continue to fight?
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.

The crowds' displeasure must have deafened His ears;
the taunts and the scorns, the hateful sneers.
Through all the mockery and the awful shame,
the spitting, the beating and the calling of names . . .
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.

The sound of whips cracking seared the air,
brutally biting, as His skin they did tear.
Forced to carry His cross up Calvary's hill;
could all this possibly be His Father's will?
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.

Oh, the torture and torment as flesh and metal did meet;
spikes driven deeply through His hands and feet.
Not even in that dark hour did He curse or condemn,
instead requesting, "Father, forgive them."
. . . through it all, He still loved them.

Why did He do it? I do not know . . .
He died for us upon sins' death row.
Bearing our transgressions, He took our place.
Suffered even hell with strength and grace.
And still . . . He loves us . . .

Today is Good Friday and it only seem appropriate that this be the poem I post (actually a poem reposted from the past).

Easter is not about dying eggs, it is about Christ dying on a cross for our sins. It is not about finding decorative goodies hidden in the grass, it is about finding & accepting the grace given to us by Christ our Savior. This weekend is not about chocolate bunnies melting in our hands, it is about the hands stretched out, tied and nailed to a cross. This holiday, we tend to dwell on the innocence of children who believe a furry, white, cuddly creature brings them candy to hunt. Dwell, as well, on the innocence of a man betrayed by one closest to him, condemned, beaten horrifically, humiliated by a crowd that recently cheered him, who suffered a torturous death, descended into the depths of hell to return with the keys of death on the third day, arising into heaven to sit beside God - all so that WE might live. . .

As we spend time with our families, we need to not forget our heavenly family - a Father who loves us so much that He gave his only Son, a son who willing accepted the unbearable . . . He didn't just do it for his disciples. He didn't do it only for those who attend church every Sunday and try to live their lives righteously. He did it for the lost, the lonely, the broken, the rebellious. . . He did it for ME. He did it for YOU.

Find time this weekend to thank God for the Passion of Christ!
Thank you, Jesus, for your willingness to take my place; for bearing what I deserve. Not only myself, but the sins of the entire world your bore that day. A sinner still, I am unworthy of your sacrifice. I am humbled and awed by the depth of Your love for me. I am forgiven, but will never forget at what price that gift of grace and salvation cost. With sincerest love and adoration, thank You, Lord. ~ Amen

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Faith, Hope, Trust and Love

Faith, Hope, Trust and Love

Faith is denial
defeated by devotion,
strengthened by sureness
in the yet unseen.

Hope is heartache
wrapped in healing,
treated with the balm
of undying faith.

Trust is worries
yielding to worship,
conquering chaos
with jubilant joy.

Love is sacrifice
surrendering self
for the sake of
a cherished child's soul.

And the greatest of these is love.

I am Peter, strolling on the sea, focused on my Savior, ecstatic in the moment . . . and then I realize I am doing the insanely impossible. My heart suddenly goes spastic! Taking my eyes off where they should have remained, I find myself spitting and spewing, gulping muddy water as I sink into the darkness of the deep.

I am not trying to walk on water. I am just trying to stay afloat within the sea of everyday life. With so many blessings, why is it so hard to keep my eyes faithfully on Christ? Everyday struggles threaten to drown me and you in a sea of despair. Yet, Jesus wants to pull us up from the depths if we will only put our hope in Him with complete faith and trust. How can we have that complete and pure a relationship with Him? Perhaps it is as simple as talking more often . . .

How many times have I heard, "Don't worry; just pray"?  The Bible does tell us after all to pray about everything. Consider this. In the New Testament, the word Abba is used as another name for God. The translation is closer to "Daddy" than the stricter sounding "Father". Why do I tell you all of this? Because this word conveys a close intimacy between father and child and what loving parent doesn't want to talk to their children? Can you imagine what you would feel like if your child rarely (or never) spoke to you?  Abba wants to hear about our day and - unlike some others - He doesn't tune us out. God cares about the argument with our coworker, the bill collector's call and Johnny's report card. He also longs to hear about Seth's home run, Sarah's solo in choir and praise for the beautiful sunset you drank in on the way home.

I believe in the beginning, we pray hoping the Lord listens. I know the more we pray, the more our faith increases and this hope becomes trust that God hears every word. The more faith and trust we have, the more we see how much our Father (Abba) loves us and that He will always reach out a hand to lift us out of the sea of struggles - right into His loving embrace.
Loving Abba - Let my mornings always begin with, "Good morning, God!" and my nights end with, "Thank You for this beautiful day." Though my struggles seem to surround me like a turbulent sea, they are so much smaller than the burdens others bear. As I bring them before You daily, let me always remember to praise You for the blessings that embrace me as well. I trust You, Lord, though the world around me be raging. I trust You, Lord, though my life is perpetually changing. My faith remains strong knowing no matter what, You are in control. Thank You for my blessed life and your never-ending love! ~ Amen

Saturday, March 19, 2011

As the nation of Japan grieves, I can't help but wonder - how long . . .

Photo: Associated Press/ AP Photo/Asahi Shimbun, Toshiyuki Tsunenari, March 13, 2011

Countdown to Christ

Tick, tick, tock,
the world's clock is counting
down to the time
Jesus Christ shall return.

Tick, tick, tock,
Nature's clock is sounding
signs and alarms
that the end's very near.

Tick, tick, tock,
hope the world is watching,
getting prepared
for the King of all time.

Tick, tick, tock,
wonder who will be going,
joining the Lord
as we meet in the sky.

Tick, tick, tock,
the world's clock
is counting
down -
Tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, oil spills destroying the oceans, nuclear reactor meltdowns, and so much more than these. . .

Christians, are you paying attention? Are you prepared? What about your family and friends?

As I look at the beautiful pictures Ryan took on his vacation in Japan a few years ago, I can't help but wonder how many of these places are now demolished. The suffering of Japan's people breaks my heart; but it also sets off a warning bell in my soul. It is going to happen you know. Jesus Is Going To Return! The Bible is not some science fiction novel or fantastic fairy tale. It is God's Word and His word is truth. Yes, I know, there have been other catastrophic disasters before our generation. Others in the past have believed Christ return was imminent. Regardless, the truth of the matter is, the clock is counting down and, sooner than most think, Jesus will return for His people. Are you ready?

As a teenager, a friend of mine once said, "My goal is to take as many people to heaven with me as I can!" An admirable goal. A perfect resolution. I am sure God was overjoyed with her love and commitment to Him. Though I know most Christians feel that same sentiment, how many of us truly are ready to testify and witness to a nonbeliever at a moment's notice?

If asked, "Hey, what is it, why is it, that you believe the way you do?" or "How can I know your Jesus?"
Would you be prepared to speak God's love and sacrifice? Or would you simply stutter something about reading John 3:16?

I admit, I am not sure how good I would do in that situation myself. I have a history of finding the perfect words to say AFTER the opportunity has passed. Then I have a case of the, "I should have said . . ." My prayer is that God gives me the eloquence to speak the words that reach that individual's heart most; and, like my young friend, I can take as many people to heaven with me as I can. I pray the same for you as well. God be with you during these difficult times.
My Anchor in the Midst of the Storm, the world seems tossed, torn and terrifying right now. Japan's tortured cries of grief cannot be comforted. The state of disaster is inconceivable. . .
My soul cries out to You, "How long must the people suffer so? Why must they?" And yet, I know in my heart that this is just another sign of the times that we live in - the end times. I believe that, Lord, with every fiber of my being. This said, I must confess that I am not the witness for You that I should be. I am not a diligent enough worker of the harvest. Forgive me, please. Make me bolder. Open up windows of opportunity for me to witness to others; and then, place in my mouth words of eloquence that can only come from You. I pray for the salvation of my lost family members, friends, coworkers and others I barely know - but that You know and love perfectly well. In Your perfect timing, Lord. ~ Amen

**Added note about the poem - if the "tune" of the poem seems somewhat familiar, think of the Disney movie "Bambi" . . . For some reason, that was the "drip, drip, drop" persistently beating in my head.  :-)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can You Believe It

Can You Believe It

Hey Susie, it’s Sheila!
Guess what? I’m in heaven!
Can you believe it? I’ve been
dancing before God’s golden throne,
my hands raised in praise and grinning
so wide my cheeks should be hurting -
but they’re not.

Hey Susie, it's Sheila!
Guess what? It's awesome!
Can you believe it? I spin
around and still can't take it all in.
I've never seen colors so bright
Like vibrant gemstones in light -
but much more than not.

Hey Susie, it’s Sheila!
Guess what? Jesus is laughing!
Can you believe it? Laughing!
As I stand, mouth hung wide open,
my sweet Savior is chuckling
at this once ugly duckling –
but now I’m not.

Hey Susie, it’s Sheila!
Guess what? He loves ME!
Can you believe it? Completely!
The Lord loves every inch of me;
from top to bottom, within and without,
I don’t know how there is no doubt -
but there’s not.

Hey Susie, it’s Sheila!
Guess what? They’re singing!
Can you believe it? A choir so
grand that I can’t see its end,
singing a song of welcoming,
celebrating my homecoming.
I’m in heaven!

Can you believe it?

Oh Susie, it's Sheila again!
Guess what I forgot?
Believe it or not? Mom's here!
She met me outside the grandest gate!
When I saw her, tears of joy I cried.
Then, my last tear God himself dried!
There's no tears in heaven, Susie.
There's really not!

Today, the day after Sheila's burial, I was doing just fine - sad still - but fine. Sheila is still very much on all of our minds. Her death being so sudden and her being so young, how could it not be? Still, as I was crossing the parking lot to go to lunch today, from nowhere I hear her singsong voice perfectly clear, just as she always sounded when she called me:

            "Hey Susie! It's Sheila! Guess what? I'm in heaven! Can you believe it?"

My breath caught. My steps stumbled a bit as my hand went to my mouth and tears welled in my eyes. I climbed into my truck and cried. The tears were bittersweet; tears of joy tinged with sadness. I felt so blessed by the moment. I prayed that God would help me tell others what I had heard. I prayed He would help me put into words a poem that would help the family heal. I pray now that I have accomplished that and also that what I have written is pleasing to God as well.

A part of me wants to wait like I normally do with a poem; let it simmer and stew as I add, delete, rearrange and let it season. Another part of me says I need to share it now. So, I have decided to do both. I am posting the poem, knowing full well that I might make changes later. Right now though, it makes me smile as I visualize Sheila dancing around God's throne grinning ear to ear. I hope it makes you smile too.
Merciful Father, thank You for letting me hear Sheila today. I already knew she was with You, but it was just so perfect! To hear the joy, the excitement in her voice . . . all I can say is thank You. Please give Sheila a hug from me, God, and tell her I miss her. She loves hugs, but then, You know that. I don't understand the why, Lord, but I accept Your will. ~ Amen

Saturday, February 19, 2011

For Sheila

The One Who Always Hugged Me

We didn't always see eye to eye.
She was spoiled & stubborn
with a need to be right. . .
and a mischievous delight;
with an impish smile and eyes
gleaming bright.

She always hugged me. . .

Beneath her willful ways
was a heart inlaid with gold;
one of the most caring souls
you could ever hope to know.
Her loving heart could not help
but overflow.

She always hugged me. . .

Disbelieving & astonished,
let reality be but a dream.
She has been too soon taken,
our secure world - now shaken.
Yet, they say the Lord's will is never
. . . mistaken. . .

I will forever miss
the one who always hugged me tight. . .
Sweet Jesus, A part of me has to laugh. Sheila has nothing left to worry about. She has no burdens, no cares, no hurts - only love! Wrap her in Your arms and let Your love envelop her. Love beyond what she has ever known on this earth! Then, I can see the bright smile on Aunt Dona's face as her daughter walks from Your embrace straight into her mother's arms.
And God, please help those of us grieving over her leaving us so suddenly here below. ~ Amen

Written 02/19/11 by Susan Bunn Tarrant, in memory of Sheila Frances Powers Dunn

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow and the Glitter Globe

 Snow and the Glitter Globe

What day is this? I do not know.
I'm sure it is a weekday though.
Still, I will lazily lie here
to watch the briskly falling snow.

Through slatted blinds it looks quite queer,
like my glitter globe sitting near,
with skaters on a frozen lake
dressed quaintly of a bygone year.

Reaching over, I give it a shake.
Now, I'm sure there's no mistake.
Snow flurries swirl like waters sweep
the glittering, shimmering flake.

With snowy blanket, soft and deep,
over the land Winter's hand does creep,
covering nature while she sleeps,
mothering nature while she sleeps.

"He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. He casts out His hail like morsels. Who can stand before His cold? He sends out His word and melts them. He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow." Psalm 147:16-18

Winter can be a beautiful time of year, especially when snow blankets everything from the top branches of the trees to the tiniest blades of grass. The world wrapped in snow seems more subdued, peaceful and perfect . . . Until you walk away from the window and step outside into the frozen wonderland. The icy temperatures can be torture! Admittedly, I am not a big fan of winter weather. Yet I know, like all things, this season serves a purpose.

I am a firm believer that we can learn a lot from nature. So, what is it then that we can learn from winter; this beautiful but sometimes brutal season? Winter is the season of stillness, the return of nature to a state of rest and renewal. In our hustle and bustle, crazy, 24/7 world we have a tendency to run until we crash. The next day, we start it all over again. Perhaps what we are to learn is that rest is a requirement, not just a luxury. The Creator set aside a whole day out of the week just for rest - "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy." (Exodus 20:8) And yet, that commandment seems to have been forgotten by many. It is just another day to get things done. Return to rest! Your body needs it. Your mind needs it. Your spirit craves it!

Another attribute of Winter is that nature seems to withdraw into itself. Icy winds undress leaves from the trees. The trees then retire for a season; storing food in their roots. The treasured colors of Spring, buried deep beneath the surface, patiently wait for the earth to warm so they can bloom once again. Squirrels snack on stored away nuts inside their sheltered homes. The bear retreats into its den for a long nap, until warmer weather returns (something my mother & I have always wished we could do because we get grumpy as old bears during cold weather).

Just as animals and plants adapt to survive the cold, so we need to learn to do the same. No matter what life throws at us we must learn to adapt and endure. I pray that we will never allow the harsh times in life to turn our hearts as frigid as the winter air. If we take the time to withdraw into ourselves, to rest in the stillness and meditate on God's word; maybe, we too can enter Spring refreshed, renewed and vibrant with Life!

God of all seasons: Thank you for the beauty of winter - the pure white snow that blankets the earth and, for a while, makes everything look crisp and clean; the stark beauty of dark, naked trees against a dove gray sky; the flash of cardinal red against bright white that always makes me smile; snuggling with ones we love under warm blankets with a hot cup of cocoa . . . Remind me, Lord, that this is a time to slow down and simply enjoy the stillness winter brings. Let me find moments to withdraw within myself and search for ways to be more of the woman You want me to be. Let me meditate on Your Word and dwell in the Peace that lasts throughout all seasons. Help me to remember that no matter how frigid the air may be outside, I am always held in the warmth of your love - for eternity. ~  Amen.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Her Children Will Call Her Blessed

Her Children Will Call Her Blessed

Thank you, God, for the mother You gave me.
She sacrificed so much that I could not see.
Providing life, laughter and a home full of love;
she gave us the time that she had none of.

Courage, she instilled within us;
along with endless faith, hope and trust.
She taught us in ourselves to believe;
that if we just tried, we could achieve.

How do I tell her what she means to me;
how I admire her quiet strength and dignity?
There are no words to embrace her spirit.
Even if I tried, she would not hear it.

There may be laugh lines upon her face
and some of the hardships can there be traced;
but there are no wrinkles on her heart.
The soul's youthfulness will never depart.

It shines in her eyes, can be seen in her smile;
the love that she has remains all the while.
portraying beauty within that transcends all others;
I thank you, Lord, that she's my mother.
Today is my wonderful mother's birthday! I am so blessed that God chose her to be mine! She is more than my Mom - she is one of my best friends. I talk to her every morning during the week and miss her voice when something keeps us from making that phone call. I orginally wrote this poem for her as a birthday gift in 2001 and revised it in 2010 when I submitted it and a story I wrote to Chicken Soup for the Soul, Mothers & Daughters edition. I had hoped I would hear a response from them in time for her special day. But, they moved up the deadline for entries and I still have not heard anything. Maybe soon . . .
Thank you, Lord, for giving me such a wonderful mother to experience life with. She has taught me so much.  Actually, I am still learning from her how to accept the things life throws at you with grace and gratitude. If I become half the lady of faith she is, then I will consider myself truly blessed. Again Lord, I lift up my praise to You for the gift of my mother.  ~ Amen

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Crinkled Creases

Crinkled Creases

Gazing at the creases
in confused curiosity.
Where did youth go?
Aging, but not yet old . . .

Why are they called
crow's feet?
Laugh lines sound
much more flattering!

Crinkled creases fade
into shadows; dark
crescent moons set
in a flesh pale sky.

The false image
reflects mediocrity;
not reflecting
the heart of me.

Tell-tale shadows
may scream fatigue;
yet eyes still glint
with unlived dreams.
New Year, New You. How many of us made resolutions January 1st to lose weight, exercise more, change the way we look in some way or the other, etc. etc.? How many have already broken at least one of those resolutions? You don't have to answer that! I broke mine at 3 am January 1st, while mindlessly eating peanut M&Ms in front of the TV, while waiting for the cough syrup to work, so I could go back to sleep. Slip ups happen! DO NOT criticize yourself if you have broken one or even more than one. . .

Do you know one of the things I love most about God? No matter what I see in the mirror, He only sees a child that He loves. It doesn't matter what size or shape I am. What I weigh on the scale isn't important to Him. Oh, I know He wants  me to be healthy. But, what I'm saying is, it doesn't matter if I am young, old or in between. And no matter what the world says, I don't have to look like a movie star goddess or have plastic surgery to fix my "imperfections". Jesus thinks I am perfectly beautiful just the way I am! Tan, pale, freckled, wrinkled, black, brown, white with pink and purple polka dots . . . It doesn't matter one way or the other. God loves us!  Doesn't that realization make you just GRIN from ear to ear?  :-D

If you answered "Yes" to that last question (and even if you didn't), then isn't it time we stop beating ourselves up over what we find "wrong" with ourselves in the mirror? I personally believe it saddens the Lord to watch how we bash ourselves, criticizing every tiny thing and becoming the destroyer of our own self esteem. God made us just the way HE wanted us to be! You are a canvas that He, the Master Painter, created. The Lord knew exactly what He wanted you to look like when He made you! You are perfect just the way you are to Him.

New Year, New Beginnings. Yes, there are things about myself and my crazy life I would like to change. Only I have the ability to do that. But, how about we try a little kindness with ourselves! Would you criticize your best friend the way you criticize yourself? BECOME YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND! I challenge you (and myself) to compliment more than you criticize yourself from now on! Keep a notebook if you like and every time you hear that nagging, negative voice write down what it says. (What?) Yes, write it down, then turn it around into something positive!!! God and I both think you are beautiful. THAT can be one of the first things you write!
Lord of my creation, thank You for making me unique and beautiful - no matter what the mirror may try to lie and say (smile). Help me to see myself and others through Your eyes of kindness, gentleness and love. Teach me to be happy with who I am on the outside; while I continually strive to improve the woman of worth on the inside. Knowing You love me just the way I am lifts my weary spirit!. Thank you again, Father. ~ Amen

Monday, January 17, 2011

Breath of Life Breathe

Hello again! I have missed posting over the past month and am thrilled to be writing again! My original intent with this blog was to try to post something once a week. I am sad to say that idea came to a screeching halt when recently I got sick. Before it was over with, I could barely breathe, much less think clearly or creatively. Needless to say, that inability to breathe - and one very frightening night - was the inspiration for this post. I am sure there will be some who read this and shake their head at my "overreacting" but, I am just as sure that anyone with asthma will more than understand . . .

Breath of Life Breathe

Sole Creator
of all creation;
my soul cries out
in desperation.

Without You
life fades away;
You, the Giver,
the Taker of days.

my body rasps;
besieged within
this torturous grasp.

Breath of Life
breathe in me.
Fill my spirit

Sigh Your words
into my soul,
‘til overflowing
they make me whole.

You breathe out.
I gasp within.
Renewing hope
fills me again.

Breath of Life
breathe in me . . .
It was a sleepless night - again. I had been sick for over a month now with bronchitis and the coughing at night refused to let up. It did not matter if I piled up pillows to prop against or if I grabbed a blanket and tried to sleep in the recliner. Nothing gave relief, not my asthma rescue inhaler, not the cough medicine with codeine, not a walk outside in the cold air or the hot shower that steamed the entire bathroom to the point of dripping door knobs. This night, my wheezing seemed to worsen with every inhale. Have you ever tried to suck a too thick malt through a straw? That was me trying to draw air into my aching lungs. Instead of getting any breath at all, I felt like the dementors from "Harry Potter" were sucking every bit of life out of me!

Now, some would like to say that I was just having the worst asthma attack I have ever had since being diagnosed 10 years ago and that I just panicked. I don't know. Maybe it was, But, it didn't seem like it at the time. I have had bad attacks in the past; ones that felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. This seemed like something more. It was as if I could literally tell there was no more room in my right lung and that my left was only functioning at the very tip-top of the lobe. If my lungs had been a gas tank being filled, it was about to overflow! I could now hear a gurgling with each wheeze.

They say you will pass out before you suffocate from an asthma attack. I don't know if that is true or not. I hope I never find out. But, I still felt this was something more and I was really getting scared! More than I have been from anything in a very long time. I paced the floor of the bathroom just knowing my breath was about to be taken from me. How could it not be? Every gasp seemed to take in less air than the one before. I got down on my knees and begged God, "Not yet, Lord! I know You can't be through with me yet . . ." As I petitioned God to spare me/help me, I begged the One who breathed life into Adam to breathe for me, through me, into me . . .

The Healer, who can speak one word and heal any illness, did not instantly heal me. LOL! No. He didn't. But, He did give me Barry! :-)  I had been trying to let him sleep because the poor thing goes to work so early. Finally in desperation, I woke Barry and told him I needed him to help me calm down. As I pulled on my clothes, I told him the situation and that I thought I needed to go to the ER. Truthfully, I wasn't even sure I could make it across town to get to the hospital and debated on calling 911. Thankfully, Barry thought of his son's old nebulizer that was gathering dust in the closet. Barry also told me that at Christmas, his father (Billy) had sent me some medicine just in case I needed it - medicine that used a nebulizer - and that he had forgotten to mention it. My sweetie, set up the nebulizer for me and rubbed my back to help me relax as I sucked in the medicated vapors of relief. It didn't solve the whole problem, but it did help. I was still wheezing, but not as badly and my breathing eased. Neither of us undressed the rest of the night and I still didn't fall asleep. But, I made it until the morning and was at the doctor's office first thing. Sure enough, my lungs were full of infection (the right much worse than the left) and my oxygen level tested low (Surprise!)

It had been an exhausting, fearful night. But convenient, don't you think, that God had already supplied my needs before I even asked? Cool, clear-headed Barry was there to think for me. The nebulizer that had not been used in years was still in storage (and we knew exactly where in was stored for a change), and Billy had given us the albuterol I needed so desperately.  The thing is, our Heavenly Father knew what I needed and had supplied everything for me. The joy is, He has promised to do just that for all of His children. "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19 Before we ask, He is already there! We are never alone, even in our darkest moments.

My question to myself is, "Why did I wait so long to ask for help?" Stubborn me always thinks I can do it myself. Compassionate me didn't want to bother anyone else with my problem. I need to learn that sometimes what is best for me is that I need to set self aside. . . .

Breath of Life. my Creator, thank You for being there beside me when I was struggling and afraid. It is a comfort to know I am never alone.  I pray that You  fill not only my lungs, but my entire being with Your sweet Spirit. When I ask that You breathe in me; I am asking for more than health. I am asking that You live through me. Use my life as Your own for whatever purpose You see fit. May my life be a breath of fresh air in a gasping for hope world.  ~ Amen