"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Her Children Will Call Her Blessed

Her Children Will Call Her Blessed

Thank you, God, for the mother You gave me.
She sacrificed so much that I could not see.
Providing life, laughter and a home full of love;
she gave us the time that she had none of.

Courage, she instilled within us;
along with endless faith, hope and trust.
She taught us in ourselves to believe;
that if we just tried, we could achieve.

How do I tell her what she means to me;
how I admire her quiet strength and dignity?
There are no words to embrace her spirit.
Even if I tried, she would not hear it.

There may be laugh lines upon her face
and some of the hardships can there be traced;
but there are no wrinkles on her heart.
The soul's youthfulness will never depart.

It shines in her eyes, can be seen in her smile;
the love that she has remains all the while.
portraying beauty within that transcends all others;
I thank you, Lord, that she's my mother.
Today is my wonderful mother's birthday! I am so blessed that God chose her to be mine! She is more than my Mom - she is one of my best friends. I talk to her every morning during the week and miss her voice when something keeps us from making that phone call. I orginally wrote this poem for her as a birthday gift in 2001 and revised it in 2010 when I submitted it and a story I wrote to Chicken Soup for the Soul, Mothers & Daughters edition. I had hoped I would hear a response from them in time for her special day. But, they moved up the deadline for entries and I still have not heard anything. Maybe soon . . .
Thank you, Lord, for giving me such a wonderful mother to experience life with. She has taught me so much.  Actually, I am still learning from her how to accept the things life throws at you with grace and gratitude. If I become half the lady of faith she is, then I will consider myself truly blessed. Again Lord, I lift up my praise to You for the gift of my mother.  ~ Amen

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Crinkled Creases

Crinkled Creases

Gazing at the creases
in confused curiosity.
Where did youth go?
Aging, but not yet old . . .

Why are they called
crow's feet?
Laugh lines sound
much more flattering!

Crinkled creases fade
into shadows; dark
crescent moons set
in a flesh pale sky.

The false image
reflects mediocrity;
not reflecting
the heart of me.

Tell-tale shadows
may scream fatigue;
yet eyes still glint
with unlived dreams.
New Year, New You. How many of us made resolutions January 1st to lose weight, exercise more, change the way we look in some way or the other, etc. etc.? How many have already broken at least one of those resolutions? You don't have to answer that! I broke mine at 3 am January 1st, while mindlessly eating peanut M&Ms in front of the TV, while waiting for the cough syrup to work, so I could go back to sleep. Slip ups happen! DO NOT criticize yourself if you have broken one or even more than one. . .

Do you know one of the things I love most about God? No matter what I see in the mirror, He only sees a child that He loves. It doesn't matter what size or shape I am. What I weigh on the scale isn't important to Him. Oh, I know He wants  me to be healthy. But, what I'm saying is, it doesn't matter if I am young, old or in between. And no matter what the world says, I don't have to look like a movie star goddess or have plastic surgery to fix my "imperfections". Jesus thinks I am perfectly beautiful just the way I am! Tan, pale, freckled, wrinkled, black, brown, white with pink and purple polka dots . . . It doesn't matter one way or the other. God loves us!  Doesn't that realization make you just GRIN from ear to ear?  :-D

If you answered "Yes" to that last question (and even if you didn't), then isn't it time we stop beating ourselves up over what we find "wrong" with ourselves in the mirror? I personally believe it saddens the Lord to watch how we bash ourselves, criticizing every tiny thing and becoming the destroyer of our own self esteem. God made us just the way HE wanted us to be! You are a canvas that He, the Master Painter, created. The Lord knew exactly what He wanted you to look like when He made you! You are perfect just the way you are to Him.

New Year, New Beginnings. Yes, there are things about myself and my crazy life I would like to change. Only I have the ability to do that. But, how about we try a little kindness with ourselves! Would you criticize your best friend the way you criticize yourself? BECOME YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND! I challenge you (and myself) to compliment more than you criticize yourself from now on! Keep a notebook if you like and every time you hear that nagging, negative voice write down what it says. (What?) Yes, write it down, then turn it around into something positive!!! God and I both think you are beautiful. THAT can be one of the first things you write!
Lord of my creation, thank You for making me unique and beautiful - no matter what the mirror may try to lie and say (smile). Help me to see myself and others through Your eyes of kindness, gentleness and love. Teach me to be happy with who I am on the outside; while I continually strive to improve the woman of worth on the inside. Knowing You love me just the way I am lifts my weary spirit!. Thank you again, Father. ~ Amen

Monday, January 17, 2011

Breath of Life Breathe

Hello again! I have missed posting over the past month and am thrilled to be writing again! My original intent with this blog was to try to post something once a week. I am sad to say that idea came to a screeching halt when recently I got sick. Before it was over with, I could barely breathe, much less think clearly or creatively. Needless to say, that inability to breathe - and one very frightening night - was the inspiration for this post. I am sure there will be some who read this and shake their head at my "overreacting" but, I am just as sure that anyone with asthma will more than understand . . .

Breath of Life Breathe

Sole Creator
of all creation;
my soul cries out
in desperation.

Without You
life fades away;
You, the Giver,
the Taker of days.

my body rasps;
besieged within
this torturous grasp.

Breath of Life
breathe in me.
Fill my spirit

Sigh Your words
into my soul,
‘til overflowing
they make me whole.

You breathe out.
I gasp within.
Renewing hope
fills me again.

Breath of Life
breathe in me . . .
It was a sleepless night - again. I had been sick for over a month now with bronchitis and the coughing at night refused to let up. It did not matter if I piled up pillows to prop against or if I grabbed a blanket and tried to sleep in the recliner. Nothing gave relief, not my asthma rescue inhaler, not the cough medicine with codeine, not a walk outside in the cold air or the hot shower that steamed the entire bathroom to the point of dripping door knobs. This night, my wheezing seemed to worsen with every inhale. Have you ever tried to suck a too thick malt through a straw? That was me trying to draw air into my aching lungs. Instead of getting any breath at all, I felt like the dementors from "Harry Potter" were sucking every bit of life out of me!

Now, some would like to say that I was just having the worst asthma attack I have ever had since being diagnosed 10 years ago and that I just panicked. I don't know. Maybe it was, But, it didn't seem like it at the time. I have had bad attacks in the past; ones that felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. This seemed like something more. It was as if I could literally tell there was no more room in my right lung and that my left was only functioning at the very tip-top of the lobe. If my lungs had been a gas tank being filled, it was about to overflow! I could now hear a gurgling with each wheeze.

They say you will pass out before you suffocate from an asthma attack. I don't know if that is true or not. I hope I never find out. But, I still felt this was something more and I was really getting scared! More than I have been from anything in a very long time. I paced the floor of the bathroom just knowing my breath was about to be taken from me. How could it not be? Every gasp seemed to take in less air than the one before. I got down on my knees and begged God, "Not yet, Lord! I know You can't be through with me yet . . ." As I petitioned God to spare me/help me, I begged the One who breathed life into Adam to breathe for me, through me, into me . . .

The Healer, who can speak one word and heal any illness, did not instantly heal me. LOL! No. He didn't. But, He did give me Barry! :-)  I had been trying to let him sleep because the poor thing goes to work so early. Finally in desperation, I woke Barry and told him I needed him to help me calm down. As I pulled on my clothes, I told him the situation and that I thought I needed to go to the ER. Truthfully, I wasn't even sure I could make it across town to get to the hospital and debated on calling 911. Thankfully, Barry thought of his son's old nebulizer that was gathering dust in the closet. Barry also told me that at Christmas, his father (Billy) had sent me some medicine just in case I needed it - medicine that used a nebulizer - and that he had forgotten to mention it. My sweetie, set up the nebulizer for me and rubbed my back to help me relax as I sucked in the medicated vapors of relief. It didn't solve the whole problem, but it did help. I was still wheezing, but not as badly and my breathing eased. Neither of us undressed the rest of the night and I still didn't fall asleep. But, I made it until the morning and was at the doctor's office first thing. Sure enough, my lungs were full of infection (the right much worse than the left) and my oxygen level tested low (Surprise!)

It had been an exhausting, fearful night. But convenient, don't you think, that God had already supplied my needs before I even asked? Cool, clear-headed Barry was there to think for me. The nebulizer that had not been used in years was still in storage (and we knew exactly where in was stored for a change), and Billy had given us the albuterol I needed so desperately.  The thing is, our Heavenly Father knew what I needed and had supplied everything for me. The joy is, He has promised to do just that for all of His children. "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19 Before we ask, He is already there! We are never alone, even in our darkest moments.

My question to myself is, "Why did I wait so long to ask for help?" Stubborn me always thinks I can do it myself. Compassionate me didn't want to bother anyone else with my problem. I need to learn that sometimes what is best for me is that I need to set self aside. . . .

Breath of Life. my Creator, thank You for being there beside me when I was struggling and afraid. It is a comfort to know I am never alone.  I pray that You  fill not only my lungs, but my entire being with Your sweet Spirit. When I ask that You breathe in me; I am asking for more than health. I am asking that You live through me. Use my life as Your own for whatever purpose You see fit. May my life be a breath of fresh air in a gasping for hope world.  ~ Amen