"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
~ George Eliot
Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
~ George Eliot
Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Wind and The Wood
image via: http://yakumosworld.aminus3.com/image/2010-12-03.html
The Wind and The Wood
She walks regally within the wood, renowned;
gossamer gown flowing over ground.
Each blade of grass trembling when fanned,
by the sheer touch of her outstretched hand.
Her entrance is met with excited cheers
as awed leaves applaud when she appears.
Some become with her so entranced
that with dear lady they attempt to dance.
Cruder limbs whistle as she strolls by.
She stares at them with mischievous eye.
But, their flirtations come to naught.
She gives them only a fleeting thought.
Genteel trees bowing with dignity,
lowering their heads to her majesty;
in reverent greeting upon seeing
the breath of Natures’ being. . .
When the wind walks within the wood.
Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote a poem in 1875 entitled, Ode to the West Wind. I especially love the first verse:
"O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being
Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,"
In tribute, I attempted to write this poem in the same style, terza rima; but I just couldn't do it. I felt restricted, stifled even. I am no Shelley. I am just simply me. But I had it so set in my mind to do it in that form, to learn and broaden my writing ability, that I couldn't let go of it. I finally had to throw in the towel, literally had to set this poem aside for a few days and come back to look at it totally new. So, now you know why it has taken me so long to post something new (smile). I hope you like the results!
Now, for the remainder of my post:
In some cultures, they believe God's Spirit is in all of nature: the trees, the grass, the sky, the wind, every living creature . . . The Indians revere nature and are taught to treat all creation with respect, something I wish the "white man" had learned from their ancestors long ago. Then perhaps "Go Green" would never have become a slogan because it would be a natural, ingrained instinct to protect the earth and its resources like it should be. Regardless, back on subject. . .
It is easy for me to believe that there is a spirit in the wind. I love the wind! I always have. Even as a child playing in the Arkansas woods, I believed my imaginary friend spoke through the wind. The wind seems filled with human emotion to me more than any other natural element. I know some who are frightened by it because it makes them uneasy. I wish they could think of it the way I do instead; like my old childhood friend instead of something to fear.
The wind is capable of so many things. It heralds the coming of Spring after a long winter with warming March winds. With the softest whisp of air, it can caress you with love. On a hot day, it can create a breeze to refresh you. It will playfully tease you as it grabs something from your hands to lead you into a game of chase. During storms, it can throw temper tantrums better and wail louder than any two year old child. It is as if the wind has a mind and emotions all its own! I will always love the wind and if I could, like autumn leaves, I would dance with it in delight. How about going for a walk in the woods with the wind today and enjoy watching how it effects all things! Make friends with the wind as I have.
Thank you, Creator of all creation, for the joy, the thrill and the playfulness of wind. As in all things, even it contains the ability for both good and evil. I choose to take delight in its better qualities. I love the feel of it in my hair, the scent of it when rain is near, the sound of it singing in the trees and the coolness it brings in Fall. . . Thank you, God, for creating the breath of Nature in the wind! ~ Amen
Monday, September 12, 2011
Not Ready Yet
Billy Ray Marshall 1942-2011
Not Ready Yet
The time is near and we try to prepare
but you are never truly ready;
when all that’s left is family and prayer
to help keep our emotions steady.
He moans and shudders in his sleep
as if something in his dreams he dreads;
or is it only physical failings that keep
him fidgeting, restless in bed?
Oh, how I wish his sleep was sound
filled with dreams pleasant and appealing;
that he would wake up to astound
everyone with his amazing healing.
But wishes do not miracles make,
no matter how heartfelt the yearning,
and so I plead for my friend’s sake
that God will please ease his hurting.
To let him know that God is real,
may his soul be warmed with His Spirit.
May the Lord's cloak of love he feel
and draw assurance from it.
May angels whisper in his ear
of God’s glory and His grace.
But, most of all let him hear
how God’s love is never erased.
Whatever sins he has committed,
whether in past or present they be,
the love of the Savior has acquitted.
My friend's soul has been set free!
Startled awake, his eyes dart side to side
until finally on dear family they focus.
When finally he flies, only God can decide.
May his being with the Savior bring solace.
Dear Savior, I am not ready to say goodbye yet, but I know my friend is suffering. Ease his pain, Lord. Let him know You are right there beside him to guide him home when you both are ready. Whatever happens, sweet Jesus, don't let him leave this earth without You. ~ Amen
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