Someday is Never Seen
Someday is an illusion,
a fear-of- failure delusion.
We plant our dreams in this myth
only to be cut down by Someday’s scythe;
for Someday is never seen.
One Day our dreams will come true
is an unclaimed fantasy too.
For our dreams to be derived,
finally One Day must have arrived
yet One Day is never known.
Our derailed dreams may follow
fast on the heels of Tomorrow.
Like Time from our grasp they’ll flee,
yet that’s not the how it has to be.
Today! Strive for your dreams Today,
for Someday is never seen.
It is a true blessing to have someone in your life that not only believes in your dreams, but actually wants to share in them and help you achieve them. . .
In this world many things can steal our dreams from us:
Simple procrastination because that is just the way some people are,
Time constraints,
Lack of confidence or money,
Negative Nellie’s with their jealous, dream crushing attitudes, or maybe even someone we want to share a certain dream with that simply doesn't share that same desire...the list could go on, but I won’t.
I thank God above for the encouragers of dreams! Lord knows, for every one encourager we have, there tends to be ten ready to tear our dreams away. Don’t let them! I recommend that each and EVERY day you do AT LEAST one thing that pushes your dream forward, just one thing. For me, it is sometimes only one line or a quick reread and edit of something I wrote before. Whatever your dream, set small, daily goals and get after them. You can do it! One plus one plus one more…they add up to an achieved dream. Never give up!
I also strongly suggest that you surround yourself with the positive - positive people, positive mantras and positive memories even. Not easy to accomplish, I know. I have a memory box that I keep uplifting items in. It might be a birthday card or a thank you note with a touching comment scrolled inside, perhaps it is a printout of someone’s comment on my blog about a poem. Whatever it is, you can be sure it is something that brings a smile and lifts my faltering spirit. When discouraged or hurt by someone’s hateful words or actions, I go to that folder to refocus on the affirmative. Sometimes, just to know that one person believes in you, is enough.
I have been blessed to have many encouragers in my life. I owe each of them more than thanks, because they steel me when my own faith wavers. The fact that I haven’t accomplished “more” with the talent God has given me sometimes makes me feel like I have let them (and God) down. Yet, they still believe in me and bring me joy and support during those times when I am prone to beating myself down.
My son is just one of the people on my “lifts me up” list. His belief in my writing ability lifts my soul as well as spirit. I still have the wind chimes he gave me many years ago. The note describing their musical melodies stated they were meant to bring inspiration to the listener – and he made sure I read it. He wanted me to be inspired. When an English teacher asked what experience the students had with poetry, his answer was, “My mom’s a poet.” My heart swelled near bursting when he told me of the incident, not with pride in myself, but with joy that he thought of me in those terms. Now, as he pursues his own dreams of being a personal trainer, I pray I can encourage & help him as he has always supported me.
Tell me, what hidden dream do you have that can I back you in? Who is on your “lifts me up” list? I would love to be added to it! Whatever your aspiration, I believe in you and I promise God does too.
Giver of Dreams and One Who Helps Them Come True, I thank You for all the supporters of dreams that have been placed in my life. Please help me to uplift and support others as they follow their own paths and pursue their own dreams. May I never discourage others, but offer words of hope and kindness. ~ Amen