"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Morning Moon

Harvest moon taken the morning of 9-28-15 by Susan Tarrant

The Morning Moon

A lustrous moon greeted me this morning.
Hanging low in the heavens, there he shone;
catching me by surprise - without warning.

Silently staring, he seemed so alone;
looking as if longing to spin great tales
of escapades he’d seen and nightly known.

Wishing to greet him, I asked of his sails,
his infinite travels filled with wonder,
wherein he waxes and wanes, brightens and pales.

He sat silently, as if to ponder
whether to whisper of vast worlds revealed,
if divulging these would be a blunder…

Knowing the knowledge too much for man to wield,
that such splendid secrets should remain concealed,
the morning moon sagely kept his lips sealed.  

If the moon could talk, Lord, I am sure it would sing of Your glorious works and wonders throughout the universe. Worlds upon amazing worlds...beyond our greatest imagination, were created by You. It is more than my mind can comprehend. I stand in awe of creation and the Almighty Creator. ~ Amen

Tuesday, September 29, 2015



How countlessly they gather there
like a flock of silver sheep
grazing upon a sapphire sky;
slowly ‘cross blue meadow they creep.                    

With idleness they wander where
our stumbling steps can’t follow,
and yet leisurely dreams find us
wishing for wings to borrow.

As they drift without thought or care,
we envy clouds’ lazy ways;
for as we rush around down here,
still we yearn for more tranquil days.
As I have often said, I love the amazing ways God transforms the skyscapes into beautiful scenery for us earthbound humans to gaze upon. From rising with the waking sun to drinking in the sunset's mellowing rays, whether it be daylight white or a glorious, starry night, you can find awe-filled beauty in the heavens! That is, if you just slow down long enough to look up from your cell phone, tablet, walk away from the TV or whatever holds your attention....

To those who know me best, it is no secret that I prefer to be outside instead of in. As a teenager, future job ideas included forest ranger, outdoor photographer, just about anything that would have me outdoors instead of chained to a desk. In the grownup world of reality, I sit five days a week in an office. Yet, the outdoors still call to me from the cloudy skies that beckon.Numerous times a day, I look out the window. Each time I walk around my desk, I have to at least take a glance out and upward. Yes, sometimes it is just a cloudless blue...but what amazing shades of blue! Look up at the handiwork of God in the heavens. Take in the sky. Enjoy the beauty the Lord has graced us with today and be sure to tell Him thank you for sharing such beauty with us!
Amazing Lord of Heaven, look down from Your dwelling place and hear our praise. There is no other gods but You. We stand in awe of Your handiwork. We thank You for the grace and blessings You surround us with daily. With the psalmist of old I pray, "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou are mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him." ~ Amen and Amen.
(Psalm 8:3-4)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Our September Stroll

Our September Stroll

My delight? That he’s here with me,
as the warm days of summer wane.
A wonderful day we agree;
strolling beneath the canopy
along this peaceful wooded lane.

The now ancient, abiding trees,
the well-worn path, the cobalt sky,
the splendor one so clearly sees;
we both share reverence for these,
joying in the wood’s songs and sigh.

My pleasure would be that we stay,
wandering in this sylvan bliss
while real life’s frictions fade away,
like radiant sunset’s final rays
melting into the twilight’s mist.

Such peacefulness I’ve come to know
wrapped within calm autumn days,
before the icy winds that blow,
before the coming of the snow,
walking with him along wooded ways.

What's better than enjoying a walk in the woods on a cool day? Walking it with someone you love!

Quiet moments alone are few and far between. With the hectic lifestyle most of us live in, I am sure you would agree the same is true for you and your sweetheart. I firmly believe that for a relationship to make it through the test of time that you must make time to be alone together. It is vastly important, in my opinion, to schedule a regular date. Put it on your "to do" list marked as Top Priority!

Why? Because in the grind and grit of day-to-day, we can lose sight of the importance of those we love most. We begin to take them for granted, like we take for granted that each time we turn on the shower, water will rain down upon us. Each time we flip on the light switch, we expect light to flood the darkness. But, if we neglect to pay that water bill, that electric bill....no more warm showers, no more home glowing with light. Neglecting those we love leaves the door ajar for trouble to walk in...

Our sweethearts are our light in a world sometimes filled with darkness. We are bathed in the warmth of their love. That is why we need to be careful not to get so busy that we push them aside. Male or female, they need to feel important, special, loved...So make that date today and don't let anything cause you to break it! Go have fun together!
Lord who is Love, I thank You for bringing the one I love into my life. I confess that I have often times taken him for granted. Forgive me, please, and help me do a better job of showing him how loved he is. Many are the times I have felt taken for granted as well, Lord. For that, I forgive him. I know how life gets...Allow us to see each other through eyes of love and remember that even time tested relationships still need "maintenance."  

All relationships, to truly succeed, must include You, Father. As from the moment I first meet him, so I do even now. I give our relationship to You and ask Your blessing in our lives.  In Jesus name I pray. ~ Amen

Thursday, September 10, 2015

To Truly Live

photo credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/542894930054331464/

To Truly Live

Before I am too old and gray,
I yearn to run away some day;
to fall from the face of the earth,
in hopes of finding the hidden’s worth,
to follow the footsteps of Thoreau
and learn to live before I go…
to truly live before I go...

perhaps finding myself along the way.
Henry David Thoreau is a favorite poet of mine, though he was much more than just a poet. He wanted to determine what was important in life, so that he could get the most out of life. His attempt to discover these treasures led to him living alone in a tiny cabin in the woods for two years, two months and two days. I will point out that he was not a hermit during this time. He was close enough to visit Concord when he chose to. In his self-inflicted solitude, he wrote his most well known works, "Walden."

One of my favorite Thoreau quotes is, "Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves." Lately, I long to get lost in a quiet place in the middle of the woods somewhere, perhaps because I am feeling a bit lost myself lately and I seek to understand....myself, life, the next step along the way and so many things I don't even know I need to learn until, alone, God allows me to discover them. 

When you get a chance, you should read Thoreau's "Walden's, Where I Lived and What I Lived For." Take your time reading it and get lost with him at Walden's Pond.
Heavenly Father, Sometimes I believe we need to get closer to nature, if only to remove all distractions and chaos from our mind. Once these hindrances are swept away by the breeze, we can more clearly see our true self and more distinctly hear Your voice. Yet, the call to join Mother Nature can not always be heeded. So, even in the quiet of my bedroom or sitting in my backyard, I ask You to join me. Release all tensions and worries and allow me to learn how to truly live the way You want me to. May I rejoice in each day and learn to live more abundantly in You. ~ Amen