Evening at the Lake
The full moon rising in the eastern sky poured its light;
flowing molten silver, shimmering across the lake.
Crickets chanted in cadence with katydids' shrill chirrup.
Light chatter among oak leaves whispered overhead.
Motherly wind wrapped me in a soft quilt of warm breeze,
kissing my cheek, stroking my hair in gently caress.
The unmistakable smell of wood smoke drifted by
nonchalantly; the neighboring campfire's cologne.
With the smoke, blew in childhood memories of hot, toasted,
gooey marshmallows browned perfectly by flickering flames.
Serenity settled over the cove.
Peace cloaked the night.
Sometimes, we just need time away, time to relax, to think, to clear our minds or to simply just meditate on God's blessings. Our Creator knew we would need to take a break from our hectic schedules, so much so, that He devoted a whole day to resting: "and He rested on the seventh day from all His work. . . and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. . ." Genesis 2:2-3. Even Jesus needed time to himself. On more than one occasion, Jesus sent his disciples away (or had them wait) while He went into the mountains alone or into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray (by the way, did you know He prayed for YOU?). Time apart is essential to all of us; both physically and mentally. We all need to take time to relax.
Still, there are some of us that don't know how to stop. I confess, I am one of the guilty party. We push ourselves to the limits; until our bodies become so exhausted they shut down on us and force us to come to a screeching halt. Who or what are we good for then? Nothing and nobody. Better yet, how can we hear the still, small voice of God if we are running around in such a hurry we can't even hear ourselves think - much less hear the whisper of heaven. Take time today to catch your breath. Find a place to hideaway and find a moment of peace. Read a good book. Take a long, hot, bubble bath. Go for a leisurely walk in the park or, as I am planning tonight, go build a fire by the lake and watch the sunset while the moon rises.
Lord of My Life, slow me down. I am exhausted; too tired to think almost. I do this to myself. I know I do. There is no one pushing me, but me. Help me to clear my mind until all I can hear is the clear, soft voice of You leading me, teaching me, comforting me. ~ Amen
Thank you for taking me to the lake with you! I could hear, smell and see it all just as you described! Beautiful!! ~ Carol Ann
ReplyDeleteAugust 24