"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The walls of our playhouse
were simple lines drawn in dirt.
Anyone who dared walk through them
was going to get hurt.
Walls are solid, don't you know,
even in pretend world.

The living room was to the left,
a couch and chair sketched there.
The bedroom was toward the back
and the kitchen was placed here.
We used only the best mud dough
to make our cakes and pies.

Such culinary delights came
out of our pretend kitchen.
Sprinkles of grass and berries blue,
we added just a smidgeon.
We could play all day, you know,
in our tree-shaded playhouse.

Oh, why did we have to outgrow
our wonderful pretend world?
Oh, how I miss those days of imaginary worlds and innocence. I spent as much time during the summer with my cousins, Vicki and Sheila, as I did at my own home. They were more than cousins. They were the sisters of my heart. We didn't have (or need) all the fancy toys kids have today. All we needed was our imaginations and each other. :-)
Thank you, Lord - for blessing me with wonderful childhood memories to reminisce upon. Thank you for my cousins that increased the fullness of my world in so many special ways. I love them so much. ~ Amen

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