They Have Forgotten
They have forgotten to fear you, Lord.
Your commandments they’ve ignored.They’ve declared the Word of God a sham
and defiantly snubbed the great I AM.
They take hell too lightly, Lord.
No longer the delinquent’s rewardnor the sinner’s tortured entombment;
just a word tossed about for embellishment.
They are a stiff-necked people, Lord
and though they deserve the sword,I plead the blood of Heaven’s Lamb
over a nation that Satan would damn.
I come to you contritely, Lord
and pray that your grace be restoredto a country whose faith has grown frail.
Without your mercy, we are fated to fail.
They have forgotten to fear you, Lord.
Neither the God of all the earth or hell seem to be taken seriously anymore.
Some seem to think that our Creator and Lord is simply a myth, nothing but a fairy tale. The Bible is seen as outdated literature from the dark ages and some believe it no longer applies to us. Hell, the fiery, demon-filled, depths of damnation for all who reject the Lord, has become an adjective and not a noun - at most something in nightmares but nonexistant in reality. If one does believe in God, he is a loving God and a "loving God" would never condemn someone to hell - right?
I am not saying that God wants His people to quake in fear of Him. We should stand in awe of Him. But, neither should we forget who God is and the power that He yields. He is King over all and the day Christ returns, EVERY knee will bow.
I am not going to "preach" a sermon on sin and the consequences thereof. But, to those who don't believe in the great I AM, I have just one question. . .If I am wrong and believe in a god that doesn't exist, so what. But if eternity is only a heartbeat away, what if YOU are the one who is wrong, then what?
Great I AM - I pray for the forgiveness of this arrogant nation. I pray that the chains of Satan that seek to bind the ones I love, and that strangle our country, be broken by the power of Jesus Christ. I hope your mercy and your grace, will allow this nation to turn once again to You. ~ Amen
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