Awesome photo from the website findingyourforce.blogspot.com
This Trail I Tread
This trail I tread is strenuous.
The hardships seem continuous.
One slip of the foot and I fall.
For a firmer hand grip, I claw;
as the path steepens with each step.
So fatigued, at times I've wept.
Still I continue the arduous climb,
though covered with grit and grime.
Despite the dirt and the sweat,
I'm not ready to give up yet.
You ask why I won't simply stop.
Have you never seen the view from the top?
This time of year always makes me long to be hiking again and to me there is no better place to hike than the mountains. I love them. It is as if they are a part of me. Whenever I visit the mountains, I feel like I am . . . home. Strange, since I have never lived in the mountains - only the hills.
Still, this poem isn't solely about a rugged hike, it is about the struggles of daily life. I have chosen the path I am own right now and it is not an easy one. I am tired much more often than I am energetic. I am struggling with unanswered prayer requests, but I know everything works to the good of those who trust in the Lord. So, I trust God with the impossible while I do what is possible for me.
Imagine this, one day not looking down from the mountain top, but from the highest clouds in heaven! What a day that will be. (Smile)
My Lord in heaven, thank You for being my strength when I am weak, my Peace when my world is chaotic, my Hope when life seems bleak. I love you more than life and trust you with my everything. In Jesus name I pray. ~ Amen
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