Teaching Me To Trust
To the Lord, my God, I give my all;
the hopes and despairs and
foolish cares I
cling to, with certain hope of
help I have
in a heavenly Father I have never
with earthly eyes, and yet faith teaches
true sight through the Holy Spirit
within me.
With lowered head, my request I
raise to
replace my defiant doubts with
childlike trust
and steadfast confidence in the
benevolent, compassionate Creator.
The Lord will surely supply our
needs, for
before I ask, the Almighty knows all
the petitions and wishes I would
pray as I
lift needs, both mine and those
others have,
to a just and loving Father who
can not
fail. The blessings are simply
yet to be seen.
04/14/2014 Susan Bunn Tarrant
Right now, I don't have the time to participate in the National Poetry Writing Month challenge like I did last year. A poem a day is more than I can accomplish at the moment. But, I have been pulling up their website to see what some of their poetry prompts have been. One recently was a new concept to me and obviously, I really liked the idea! It was called a "golden shovel". In this form of poetry the writer takes either a short poem, line of a poem or quote and lines it up vertically on the right side of the page and then creates a new poem with these words creating the end of each line. If you read the last words of each line of the above poem, you will find a quote I love by one of my favorites, Ralph Waldo Emerson. :-)
Merciful Heavenly Father, One of the things that amazes me most is how You are ever-present in each and every one of our lives. You know the needs and desires of every person that calls on You. Before they call Your name, You are there. Without a doubt, I know that You will meet my needs and the needs of each person I love and care about. For that, I thank You in advance. I know the blessings from Your throne flow daily and will continue to do so for those who love You, Lord. Forgive me for my impatience with unanswered prayer requests. Your timing is perfect, even if we don't see it at the present time. With all my heart, I trust in You, for no one loves me with such an immense love as You.
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