All is Well
Oh little one of little faith
don't you know the Father is near?
What must He do to prove to you
that you have nothing to fear?
Though the rain pounds upon the earth,
are the birds not sheltered from the storm?
Snugly they rest upon their nest,
secure, unscathed and warm.
As hatchlings protected beneath
their mother's feathered wing;
so are we guarded by His grace
as to His promises we cling.
Though winter winds bluster and blow,
snow blanketing the barren ground,
Spring's seeds of life lie underneath;
dormant, yet waiting safe and sound.
Each season of hardship is followed
by a joyous time of rebirth.
So are the days of our lives filled
since the day we are placed on this earth.
We are given times of trials
before His blessings He bestows;
so learning on whom we must lean,
our wisdom continually grows.
Oh little one of fledgling faith,
now you know the Father is near.
What else must He do to prove
that He holds your life most dear?
I look at the world around us and wonder why some can doubt that God exists and cares about them, but they do. Some think our God created us and then sits back and just watches - but does not participate in our lives. How wrong they are! I realise they focus more on the evil happening in the world; which blinds them to the blessings that surround them. It also does not help that even Christians have a habit a complaining, criticizing and condemning others, instead of lifting up those who need a positive example most. Though I have never doubted there is an awesome God in total control, I have been guilty of staring at my own petty problems to the point that I miss the needs of others. Sometimes, I am even blind to the gifts the Father surrounds me with. The thing is, being a Christian doesn't mean I'm perfect - far from it. What it does mean is that I am very aware of how far from the example of Christ I am and how far I still have to go. Thank God that He is merciful and extends grace to each of us. Still, we are to strive to be Christ's hands, His voice and His outreaching heart to a hurting world. How are you doing? Me? No where near as good as I should be.
Gracious Father, forgive me for being "too busy" or too preoccupied with my own problems to see the needs of others. Help me to control my complaining tongue and be more positive to those around me. Open my eyes and help me to see where You can use me most, not just today, but every day. Let Your light of love shine through me until the darkness of doubt and fear no longer exists in those I love. ~ Amen
Thank you! Thank you! I needed the comfort and reassurance of this poem tonight. It was an answered prayer! ~ Carol Ann
ReplyDeleteJuly 21
Good job!! wonderful! ~ Barbara
ReplyDeleteJuly 21