Willing Spirit
Soulful mirror of my spirit
tell me not what you see.
Reflect not this awkward image.
Project instead what I strive to be.
Serene as the sunset submitting
to shadowy twilight's sway;
mild as the morning mists falling
upon a softly lit September day.
Patient as plants first emerging,
determined to warm in white sun.
Persistent as their roots striving
to see the ultimate goal's won.
Working and sowing God's garden;
may fruit be born of each seed.
Let me follow ever faithful
wherever the Lord might lead.
No longer blindly stumbling.
Aware as the hawk in winged flight.
Seeing the struggles of others;
trying to make each wrong a right.
By a life filled with selfless deeds
let the light of my faith illume
the path of the One who shaped the sun;
who adorned the night with the moon.
When I began a writing class through the Christian Writers' Guild in 2004, one of our first assignments was: In poetry or prose, describe your heart's desire for your inner spiritual life. The above poem was written in response to that.
Lord of Light, the spirit is still willing; but, writer's block is like a total eclipse of the sun. Illuminate the darkness, please. ~ Amen
Beautiful!! Thank you for all that you are!