Through It All
How could He do it? I do not know;
Not letting a trace of hurt or anger show.
Before Pontius Pilate, He was made to stand;
tried and convicted, yet an innocent man.
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.
Oh, the emotions that must have torn at His heart;
the tears, the fears, going through the betrayal part.
Did God lift those burdens at the garden that night
or did the turmoil within, Jesus continue to fight?
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.
The crowds' displeasure must have deafened His ears;
the taunts and the scorns, the hateful sneers.
Through all the mockery and the awful shame,
the spitting, the beating and the calling of names . . .
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.
The sound of whips cracking seared the air,
brutally biting, as His skin they did tear.
Forced to carry His cross up Calvary's hill;
could all this possibly be His Father's will?
Nevertheless . . . He still loved them.
Oh, the torture and torment as flesh and metal did meet;
spikes driven deeply through His hands and feet.
Not even in that dark hour did He curse or condemn,
instead requesting, "Father, forgive them."
. . . through it all, He still loved them.
Why did He do it? I do not know . . .
He died for us upon sins' death row.
Bearing our transgressions, He took our place.
Suffered even hell with strength and grace.
And still . . . He loves us . . .
This is one of my favorites. Originally title "He Stood Silent", it was pointed out to me that Jesus did not remain silent the entire time that he stood before Pilate (something I already knew, but for some reason . . .) And so, revisions were made to correct my oversight. I think I like this version better anyway.
My Savior, there are no words to adequately express my gratitude, or my awe, at how much You love me. I am unworthy. My heart continually sings praises and my spirit soars - because of You. ~ Amen
Very touching. I am enjoying your Psalms ~ Melody
ReplyDeleteJuly 9