"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

She Will Not Break

                                                              Image from Microsoft Word Sample Pictures

She Will Not Break

She is a tree of life
silhouetted against the Son,
shaped by the seasons
and the passing of time;
embracing the forces of
nature that make her
the woman she has become.

Her branches spread broadly
reaching out to life with love.
She shades the weary,
while sheltering the needy.
Though she may wilt beneath
hardships scorching heat,
still, she will not break.

Winds of change have come
as a debonair dancer
whisking her to and fro.
Storms beat harshly upon her.
She bowed her branches low
while fingertip leaves
grasped for Ground.

Her roots are entwined
‘round the Rock of her faith;
holding her firmly in place
no matter season's nature.
With willingness to bend,
submit she may, but she
trusts her fate to Him.

She will not break!
This is not what I intended to write. I prefer my poetry to rhyme and have some semblance of rhythm. For the last few weeks I have been scribbling, rearranging, contemplating and downright arguing with lines. The only thing I really knew was the title and the line "Her roots are entwined 'round the Rock of her faith". And though this is not at all what I imagined in my mind - I envisioned something more along the lines of Amy Grant's "Can You Reach My Friend" or a letter to God - apparently this is what insisted on being written.

Each poem I attempt to write is begun with, "God, guide me" - even more in cases like this. You see, I have a friend, a very sweet, dear friend who I wanted to honor encourage with a poem. I asked God to help me write something especially for her. This lady has weathered one storm after another. Her life has been whisked one way and then tossed another before she can even stop trembling from the first. She has faced things that surely would have broken me. And yet, she continues on. This woman of worth is an inspiration to me, though she does not see herself as such. For that matter, she would probably laugh out loud at the thought. But, it doesn't keep it from being true.

So my dear friend, for your love of privacy, I will not name your name. But, I hope as you read this poem that God opens your eyes to the realization that I am writing it in praise of you. I share your poem with all the other women out there that face daily battles that bow them low to the ground in prayer. I hope at least one finds encouragement and strength in what I have written. Keep your "roots entwined 'round the Rock" and hang tight! God will see you/us through!
My Rock in the midst of my storms, We all have bad days, bone-weary weeks and even sometimes a horrendous month. But, Lord what are we to think when those months turn into unbelievable years of hardships? I have suffered through long trials before that I thought would never end. There are still unanswered prayers that were brought before You ages ago that make me ask, "What about them are not within Your will". But, in the case of my sweet friend, Father, the trials never seem to end before another begins. How long, Lord? Is there a lesson that is yet to be learned? If so, open her heart to receive it. I know You hold her in Your embrace. I know she faithfully puts her trust in You. I ask dear Lord, that You bless my friend. Rescue her and bring her days, weeks, months, YEARS of joy once again! In Christ name I pray. ~ Amen

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