"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hurry - but, wait . . .

Behold, the Lord comes
and every eye shall see Him.
We must be ready.

Hurry - but, wait . . .

Hurry, Lord!
But. . . wait. . .
There are others I long for us to take.
I know; they are not ready though.

My child, are you telling them of
my limitless grace and undying love?
Do you express the sacrifice of my life?

I try, Lord, but they do not hear.
They twist the words I would make clear;
like a contortionist twists his body.

Do you live your life in such a way
they wonder at your peace each day?
Can your faith be taken at face value?

Well . . .I do gossip a little bit.
At times, I complain, but can I help it?
I am human after all, Lord.

Yes, but you belong to me.
What you think no one will see
is never truly hidden.

Your life is your witness.

Others always scrutinize you;
everything you say and do.
Remember to reflect my image.

With Your help, Lord, I know I will.
Just wait a little longer still;
until the ones I love also love You.

Hurry, child! You cannot wait
There are others I too want to take.
Do not delay! Pray for their deliverance
and . . .

I cannot think of anyone - family, friends or coworkers- who doesn't have a few friends and loved ones in their lives that do not know the Lord as their Savior. Whether they want to believe it or not, we know Jesus will return someday and we don't want them left behind. I know with the ones that are in my life, that trying to talk to some of them about my faith seems a losing battle. They don't want to hear anything "religious". They twist and turn things. Their sarcasm drips like rain from the eaves. How many times have we heard, "Don't try to force your beliefs on me."? We cannot push our beliefs on anyone. Pushing accomplishes nothing but pushing them further away. It is like trying to shove a bitter medicine down the throat of a sick child.  No matter how needed the medicine may be, with a tight-lipped, shake of the head the medicine will be shoved aside.

We cannot convince them with words alone. Perhaps even more important than what we say is how we live.  Our lives must be an example of Christian consistency. No, we are not perfect, I'm definitely not! Take for example this website. It does not matter what I write on it. Though I pray it glorifies God and is pleasing to Him. Though I hope it touches someone, blesses someone, makes a difference . . . What matters most is how I live my life.

How do we walk the path of peace if we have a continual war within the walls of our own home? What witness of Christ is that to our lost family members? What testimony do we have if we go to church on Wednesday night and twice on Sunday; and yet the rest of the week we cuss, rant, rave, gossip and complain? And then you turn and invite your coworker to church? Good luck with that. How much can someone believe your testimony if they see you ever Saturday night drunk at the local bar? I know, I know. That last example may be a little extreme, but you get the point.

Christ is returning, soon! I for one love to watch the clouds in anticipation! But, like the poem, I also pray He waits a little longer for more of the lost to be saved. But, while we wait, what are we (what am I) doing to help witness to these wayward souls?

Gracious Savior, help me to be a better example - a better reflection - of Your image. Give me boldness to speak of your love. Give me courage to share my testimony. Increase my faith. Strengthen my weaknesses. Most of all, let me live a life that daily points to You! ~ Amen


  1. Your poem so aptly reflects the conflict between our desire for the Lord's return and our desire for others to be saved. It can be frustrating when we think we are holding back His return by not bringing in the harvest quick enough. We put too much pressure on ourselves and forget that He is always moving in us and through us and in the lives of others.

    Yes, it does matter how you live. But know that your life is reflected in what you write. Our lives are so vast and encompass so many activities, people, ideas, conversations and actions that we can easily allow one or more areas to get out of sync with His love. I see it like an orchestra that can't stay in unity with the master conductor. But your writing can be like a pure melody by a single violin that rises above all the other sounds to light the way. Trust God to highlight the areas of your life that reflect Him, so that those areas will stand out clearly for others to see. Your prayer reflects your heart and His answer to such a prayer is Yes and Amen!

  2. This is so true and so wonderful, you truly have a gift. ~ Barbara Oct. 10,2010

  3. Susie, you are the clay......the Master potter is most definitely working through you, He's molding you to be like Him and He's giving you sweet words to help others come to know Him in His fullness. Thank you for letting God do work through you.~ Jane

  4. I love it!!!!...your writing gives me more peace of mind each article you write...thank you!!!!
    ~ Darlene

  5. I believe this was a "double-edged" poem. . . very true. . . ~ Frances

  6. Awesome! Twisting words like a contortionist was a great line! You're a wordsmith! Brian from Illinois
