"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Comments - and even criticisms - are welcome. It encourages me to know if my words touched a place in your heart; and criticisms show me how to improve. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Monday, April 15, 2013

For Boston

Exhilaration coursed through their racing heartbeats.
Rejoicing as they took off running for their dreams.

Celebration became sheer terror in the streets.
with the anguish of your broken heart, my tears stream.
Day 15, Poem 15:

A day of great sadness and tragedy. . . The prompt today was for a pantun poem, which is a Malay poetic form that only has 4 lines with an a-b-a-b rhyming pattern. It is a good thing today's poem style is short, because with the bombings at the Boston Marathon today, my heart is not in a very poetic mood. My prayers are with Boston and all who were there. God be with them all. 
Heavenly Father, I would ask what is becoming of the world today, but I already know the answer. Please, be with all the runners, bystanders, family and friends and the whole city of Boston. Thank you that the one person I know that was there is okay and hold closely the ones who are not. May evil be punished swiftly! ~ Amen

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